A lot of shell casings!



Just a quick conversion of the stock Typhoon into the early mark Ia. Excuse the bad paint as John has not touched it yet.

errr..by 'quick' I mean only 3 to 4 weeks for me :untroubled:
Ooh, a bubble top Typhoon! Very nice! I think the majority late models had a four bladed prop though.
I think the majority late models had a four bladed prop though

yeah, it's a work in progress. haven't settled on 3 or 4 prop blades.

Many also had the Tempest tailplane but I doubt that's much of a visible difference.

The Tempest tailplane might be too much work for me. This project was just suppose to be just the MKIa but it has grown a bit :dizzy:
Steven, My vote is for what you started with...
The early stuff... the weird, unfinished ideas when no one knew if they were coming or going.
IMHO this is where the magic is.