A nerw Vickers Vernon, and a Vimy Commercial update


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Hello all,

I have just uploaded a model of the Vickers Vernon, an early RAF transport aircraft, to www.flightsim.com. The Vernon was based on the Vimy Commercial, which I released for FS a few years ago. I have uploaded an updated version of the Vimy C. as well.

Separate downoads of FS2009 and FSX versions.

The Vernon and the revised Vimy C. have much improved flight dynamics compared to the previous Vimy C. release.

Uploads to avsim.com will follow, if their file library is reliable now.

Best regards

Thanks Jens, just d/l'ed both for FS9. Now I have to find the issue of FlyPast or Aeroplane that had the story about these planes, I might do some repainting.