A new model Junkers Ju88R1 night fighter.


Hi Folks,
Just finished and uploading a new model of the Junkers Ju88R1 night fighter for Fs9. Based on the KM series of Ju88s. Basically a C6 model with BMW radial engines, used mid-war to the end.

Unfortunately the original KM Ju88 source files have been long lost, so the usual backwards engineering to get the models. Then re-build and tweaking. Now with new modded BMW radials, new crew and for the first time for Fs9 moving VC cockpit controls. Marked as the same ac in the RAF museum at Hendon.





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Thanks, Shessi! :encouragement: I remember flying this plane in CFS2 and have always wanted to have it for FS9. I couldn't get it to work tho, not the way I wanted it to. But you have done it, mate! Very nice work.

Hi Folks,
Just finished and uploading a new model of the Junkers Ju88R1 night fighter for Fs9. Based on the KM series of Ju88s. Basically a C6 model with BMW radial engines, used mid-war to the end.

Unfortunately the original KM Ju88 source files have been long lost, so the usual backwards engineering to get the models. Then re-build and tweaking. Now with new modded BMW radials, new crew and for the first time for Fs9 moving VC cockpit controls. Marked as the same ac in the RAF museum at Hendon.



Hi Shessi,
I still have in my archive the GMax Ju88A-4 file (from CFS3 SDK, with all the original txts in tga format), I suppose it is from KM, are You interested in ?

Glad you like it BB. A good basis now for all the Fs9 Ju88's, so we'll see....;)

Manuele, thanks for the offer but I already have the CFS3 SDK Ju88A4.

I was saying to Willy that Kris and Jay took that Ju88A4 and made all the other models, which are the A11, A14, A17, C6, C6b, G1, G6, Fug240 and the 188E. I spoke with Kris many years ago and he stated that the source files had been lost in a HDD crash some years before that..:sorrow:

But reverse engineering the mdls means that I can start with those models and build from there. As the real Ju88 was!


Hi Bc,
Yes you are!...ha ha only joking.

Of course I will, everything I do (I do it for you...sorry lost myself there!), I always do for Fs9 AND Cfs2, so will be UL'd is a while.


Very nice, that with Miles Falcon was among my wish sim-planes that i never expected to see. And now i have both!
Yes, as and when I get the time, I'll go through all the Ju88's and update and add new versions.


Tried this magnificent model in P3D but the gauges don't work... :sorrow:

So sad, I was really hoping for a working Ju-88 Nightfighter in my sim...

But thanks for the effort Shessi, this is beautiful!

You might want to use this...


Something new for the old tired panel on the newly released Ju 88...
Comments welcome...

Hi Folks,
Just finished and uploading a new model of the Junkers Ju88R1 night fighter
BTW .. does anyone have a good flight model for this aircraft ?
Take off seems very difficult ..you (I) need to run a long time and more speed than a airliner before the tailwheel begin to go up :adoration:

Something new for the old tired panel on the newly released Ju 88...
Comments welcome...

It seems to me that this is panel for bomber (and as always very nice one!), while we have solid nosed night fighter variant here, right?
You are right....

It seems to me that this is panel for bomber (and as always very nice one!), while we have solid nosed night fighter variant here, right?

Very good observartion! I guess I got ahead of myself and didn't notice.... lol
Thank you! I will correct this... do you know of any pics of the faired off nose interior?
I think I will do another from scratch... it needs to be lowered and offer more horizon view...
Again, thank you!
Very good observartion! I guess I got ahead of myself and didn't notice.... lol
Thank you! I will correct this... do you know of any pics of the faired off nose interior?
I think I will do another from scratch... it needs to be lowered and offer more horizon view...
Again, thank you!
Only this
Here is a corrected version for a nachtjaeger Ju 88

It seems to me that this is panel for bomber (and as always very nice one!), while we have solid nosed night fighter variant here, right?

Decided to start over and do it right... lol
Thanks again for your input...

Excellent work, Gaucho! Now if I only had the talent to put some German gauges into that panel.... Better yet, If someone with better talents than I have put something like that together, I'd be a happy bloke.

I'm working on a set of FAA lights for the Ju-88, they'll be available for the asking when I'm done. In the mean time, this set of numbers in the lights config will bring the strobe back up and put it where it should be on the bottom of the fuselage.

light.2 = 2, -1, 0, -1.3, fx_strobe
