A new version of Khormaksar from me

ian elliot

RAF Khormaksar-v2 for FS9 by Ian Elliot 1/1/13

Please uninstall all original Khormaksar/Fearless files and remove from FS9, then install this version

This is a re-worked version of my scenery from a few years back, mainly to take
advantage of new objects and make the scenery more friendly to Calclassic ai,
Firstly, i must thank the Calclassic member who sent me a revised Afcad, with better parking
and more aircraft movements, Sadly, i have no record of who this kind person is, so i thank you anyway
and its his Afcad i use in this scenery.

You will need to download some extra objects to get the best out of this scenery, all should be available
from Flightsim and Avsim -----

1,"rn_escort_vessels.zip" by Mike Hudson

2,"type81_tribal_class_frigates_fs9.zip" by Mike Hudson

3,"africa_1960.zip" By Wolfgang Gersch, Harry Biard, Jaap de Baare,
Mike Stevens, Tom Gibson, Nikko Yaginuma and Johan Dees.

4,"classic_libraries_v2.zip" by Wolfgang Gersch, sorry about the large download size
for these but there's a lot of really good objects i like using.

5,You need this Hunter ai pack by John Young installed for my repaints---
acg_hunters_raf_9.zip, available from Flightsim.com and avsim, find repaints and cfg entries in
seperate folder, "Ai Hunter textures" included with this zip

A note about Beverleys, you will find static Beverleys transports on the military ramp,
if you wish to remove them, just remove "ez-beverleys.bgl" and "ez-bevs.bgl" from your Khormaksar-scenery folder

One thing that really enhance's this scenery is some great mesh i use that
can be found over at Avsim, it adds great detail to the mountains to the
north and the Aden peninsula which towers over the airfield to the south.
Do a search for Michael Speck and download the 3 zips.

RAF Khormaksar
Originally opened in 1917 and enlarged in 1946, Due to its strategic position in the gulf of Arabia,
Khormaksar became the busiest RAF stations of all time, in 1958, in response to attacks by
Yemeni backed terrorist's, a state of emergancy was decleard by the British Goverment and Khormaksar
became the centre of anti terrorist operations involving the British army supported by RAF Squadrons
A major base for RAF Transport command, virtally every heavy in RAF service in the 60's visited and
operated from Khormaksar including Britannia's, Argosy's, Belfast's and Beverly's, Valiant and Vulcan
V bombers were also regular visitors and Avro Shackletons were used for maritime patrol duties.
A Hawker Hunter fighter wing was on station throughout decade. Other residents included Army air assets
from Austers to Twin Pioneers, The Royal Navy fleet air arm where also regular visitors and occasionally
US Navy carrier aircraft could also be spotted.
Khormasksar was also a major international civil airfield with
the main passenger terminal at the eastern end of the runway and was the home of 15 regional airlines
and was a major stagging post for many international airlines, Testing and development of new airliners
including the VC10 was also carried out from here.
In 1966, after terrorist attacks in the city of Aden and on the
airfield itself the British Government anounced a withdrawl of forces from the area and the base was
closed on 29th November 1968.

HMS Fearless
For almost 40 years, the Fearless has searved as one of the Royal Navys major amphibious assault
platforms, with 4 LCU large landing craft and another 4 small LCVP landing craft and a Helicopter
landing deck big enough for 3 Wessex/ Sea King size helicopters. Used as a command platform during
operations in Aden in the late 1960's, she also searved as a venue for talks between Harold Wilson
and Ian Smith over the future of Rhodesia. One of her most important roles being as command ship
during the Falklands war.

Enjoy, ian elliot

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Version 2

Thanks for the update Ian! I'll be flying over the desert this evening.

Great idea to factor in the Calclassic AI traffic.

I don't see a link to the new scenery in your post. I know that in the past you've placed the scenery there, but I don't see it this time.
*Breaks cover*

It's a definite winner Ian, been making a few flights from it over the past day or two, including a couple of flights from Fearless using Rick Piper's beta Sycamore (which, rather wonderfully, is one of the Khorm-based helos). Nowt wrong with the Beverley statics, although maybe the camo version could have been more appropriate?

As I have, unfortunately, a few days on my hands (a job fell through) I'm taking another look at the Alphasim Hermes with a view to getting HMS Centaur in the bay. I'll let you know how I get on. The only thing missing, to make this scenario perfect, is a model of the unlamented Bristol Belvedere.

*ducks back under cover*
Hi Ian,

This new version of Khormaksar looks truly amazing! Love how you integrated the new scenery objects - and the ships! - into the old version. :3

By the way, chances are that was my afcad there - I remember the original afcad having the flaw that it had active parking spots underneath the Beverley's, which made for some awkward moments when starting from the military side of the airport... XD

Thanks guys, glad you like, and thanks to Okami for the reworked afcad, i hope you found the download Jadg, i uploaded this one to the library, its only small files, afcads, trafficfiles ect that get attachments to posts.
As for the beverleys, i wasnt sure if to include them, dont use them myself but others might want the choice, thier easy enough to remove if you wish.
cheers ian

PS, welcome back Quax, have'nt heard from you for ages
Great stuff Ian. I like the big old Beverleys sitting on the ramp. In fact, I found a flyable Beverly that I'll fly around. It might make an interesting flight to start in England and fly to Gibraltar and then across the Med and Suez Canal to Khormaksar. Lots of neat British planes with RAF textures about for a good selection of long range transports.
OK Naismith - as promised ... tested it on my machine, with FSX Accel.

First, it's a huge visual improvement over the 2008 version - no doubt. Lots more detail in shipping in the harbour, the hangars, etc. There are some anomalies - funky "dyke" type protrusions of land with water at different levels ... I see it on some 2004 scenery when used in FSX.

Alas, though on my 5 year old machine, whereas the 2008 version slowed the FPS down to around 12 (workable) when looking at the aerodrome in VC or exterior modes, this version slows me down to 6-7 fps. I tried dumping the Fearless, the Beverlies, the tanks, anything except the core Khormaksar .bgl - to no avail. I'd need to somehow break out the ground service equipment perhaps, or some other component affecting frame rates.

Definitely try it - it's a stunning piece of work. It wasn't designed for FSX, and in combination with my slow PC, I've reverted to the 2008 version. Again, no fault on Ian's part - he designed an outstanding scenery for a given sim, and I'm sure in that sim, it performs admirably. It was kind of like the recent gorgeous Calclassic Nice airport - just brought my pc down to its knees - other Calclassic stuff runs flawlessly. Just the chance I take with FSX, and I accept sometimes it just doesn't work out.

Ian - my disappointment is only due to circumstances in which I can't enjoy your outstanding work - not in the least in what you've done - it truly is spectacular, in a region and historical timeframe barely touched by FS modders. Compounding my disappointment is that 50s/60s RAF/RN flying is one of my main sim scenarios, and this fit right in - but at least, I still have your 2008 version, which will soldier on for the time being in true yeoman fashion.

Many kind thanks for the hard work - I appreciate it very much!

RAF Khormaksar EE Canberra traffic available?

Wich type Canberra nest?

Zsolt, as time allows I'm trying to put together a (representative) set of traffic files that will encompass RAF operations in the Middle East. AFAIK the only Canberra's actually based at Khorm were a couple of B2s used as fast transports for staff officers, although there would have been others in transit/detached on occasion; the Mk 9s of 13 Squadron from Luqa are likely to have been regular visitors.

Some nice photos of aircraft on ops at Khormaksar here, if anybody is interested; I'd dearly love to repaint Mike Stone's Twin Pin in that mid stone/dark earth camo, but sadly the mapping of the tailplane makes it a non runner (without major compromise anyway).
Zsolt, as time allows I'm trying to put together a (representative) set of traffic files that will encompass RAF operations in the Middle East. AFAIK the only Canberra's actually based at Khorm were a couple of B2s used as fast transports for staff officers, although there would have been others in transit/detached on occasion; the Mk 9s of 13 Squadron from Luqa are likely to have been regular visitors.

Some nice photos of aircraft on ops at Khormaksar here, if anybody is interested; I'd dearly love to repaint Mike Stone's Twin Pin in that mid stone/dark earth camo, but sadly the mapping of the tailplane makes it a non runner (without major compromise anyway).

Sound good!

Thank you!


Well, nobody can accuse you of hanging about Zsolt!! One observation; the photos seem to show a clean aircraft, makes sense as it effectively a VIP fast transport, so you might want to tone down the staining a little? Is that one of Steve Beeny's models?