For those on a budget and not able to shell out the money for payware versions, but who are looking for solidly modeled Spits and 109s to enjoy in FS2002 and FS2004, look no further than Paul Rebuffat's Gmax modeled ones (link to his site will be included below). Paul has covered a good number of the Spitfire variants and 109 variants. All animations work in FS2004 (I am assuming they will work in FS2002...actually there are some FS2002 specific models of some of the planes). Granted, the VCs aren't up to the standards of the usual FS2004 planes, but they aren't all that bad either (I find them to be spot on...detailed enough to look good, but not so detailed that they cause sensory overload). I have some of Paul's Spits running in FS2004 and will be adding the rest of the Spits and all of the 109s (which range from the F up through the K models).