A nice freeware PBY-5a Cat


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Downloaded this Cat a while back when I was using Xplane 8, but it works fine in Xplane 9.




Get it at;


A couple of other nice freebies there too.

I was thinking that same thing.

One could go in and totally improve that panel texture if its not super small.

I have been wanting to experiment with the texture sizes. I wonder if they can go 2048 in size, (perhaps they dont have limitations... )

If so, that thing could become ultra detailed. It would be high on frames, but it would be one heck of a lot nicer in details.

One of the issues in making planes for XP9 is total number of textures allowed. I think its 5 or 7, (havent found out yet).

Austin (CEO of XP9) had told me that texture numbers of the planes were made to keep frame rates smooth and fast. That may be why FS became so low in frame rates was texture counts alone. Numbers of 75 textures for a FSX plane are not uncommon, while XP9 averages 3 to 7.

Makes you think...

But, that Cat would sure be nice with some more nicer, subtle detail... Wouldnt it?

Outtas curiosity I bumped the panel pgn for the texan from 1024x1024 up to 1600x1600. It rendered in the sim but the gauge faces were missplaced both in the 2d panel and the VC. Seems it uses the same pgn for both.

Buy I am gonna assume that so long as you are building and textureing a vc you can go larger on the texture maps.

I am on the right track as to what was being discussed?
Lol' i'm just a fiddler in this stuff, I don't realy know nuttin ;)
Outtas curiosity I bumped the panel pgn for the texan from 1024x1024 up to 1600x1600. It rendered in the sim but the gauge faces were missplaced both in the 2d panel and the VC. Seems it uses the same pgn for both.

Buy I am gonna assume that so long as you are building and textureing a vc you can go larger on the texture maps.

I am on the right track as to what was being discussed?
Lol' i'm just a fiddler in this stuff, I don't realy know nuttin ;)

Thanks Zeke for the info. Good to know.

They must use pixel sizes then for X,Y locations for gauges just like in FS. We would have to adjust the gauge layouts if redoing the sizes of the textures on the panels.

You guys go fiddlin with textures for X-Plane's toys and someone could get upset. Especially when you out do the X-Plane old timers. ;) But IMHO... it serves them right. They shoulda done a better job right from the start.... or taken lessons from you guys and what you've all done with the FS series. :d
Bill, I'm a xplane noob but i think you may be able to re place the gauges within the sim....I just remembed that while fiddlin in the aircraft folders (select aircraft....opens a folder tree) I remeber it had some sort of gauge placement dealy.

Darn now I gonna have to fire it up and see ;)
Bill, I'm a xplane noob but i think you may be able to re place the gauges within the sim....I just remembed that while fiddlin in the aircraft folders (select aircraft....opens a folder tree) I remeber it had some sort of gauge placement dealy.

Darn now I gonna have to fire it up and see ;)

Its addictive and fun to see how they work, isnt it, lol....

I found out that PRF files are the same as FS Config files. Just open them with Notepad and they are pretty simple to read through and adjust.
