A Notice From Your Friendly Neighborhood Moderator


Retired SOH Admin
Please do not post your e-mail addresses in open threads. When I see e-mail addresses as part of a post, I will delete them.

If you want someone to have your e-mail address, send it to them via a Private Message.

This is for your safety. There are folks who surf forums for the purpose of gathering e-mail addresses. The result of your e-mail address ending up in the hands of a spammer is that your e-mail address will be bombarded by tons of spam.

Thank you.

Good move on your part Obio. The guy who does all the designing at my work got his new laptop all "blowed up." It seems his teen daughter was using it following the e-mail links. The company is not to happy.

Queue the Vikings: "Spam spam spam spam lovely spam, wonderful spam!"

darn it ok who do i blame for watching my monty python DVD's this time? :icon_lol: