A project for the fs2004 sound experts...


Charter Member
View attachment sound.zip I have attached a FS2002 sound pack that authentically represents the Sukhoi Su-27. When I use these in FS2004 using updated airfile for the flankers done by Bob Chicilo, it sounds too low in pitch when throttle is at idle. My question for Nigel or any sim outhouse fs2004 sound experts is... Can someone make a fs2004 and/or fsx compatible sound pack based on the attached zip file?
Well, I tried editing the relative pitch parameters myself, I have no experience in doing that.

How about I post the rparam entries and a fs2004 sound guru can correct the parameters with something better.

interior idle: rparams=0.000000,0.000000,0.250000,1.000000,0.600000,1.250000

Exterior idle: rparams=0.000000,0.000000,0.250000,1.000000,0.600000,1.250000

I want it to sound like a standard Lyulka AL31F idle.
Since you know what it is you are looking for, you might want to try some free audio editing software:

I don't think you guys are getting my point.

I am only a flight simulator add on tester/flyer, not a add on maker! I want someone who makes freeware sound add-ons to do this! :banghead:

And sorry for my outburst, I am bored as heck in the blizzard of 2017... IN MARCH!!!!!
I am only a flight simulator add on tester/flyer, not a add on maker! I want someone who makes freeware sound add-ons to do this! :banghead:

And sorry for my outburst, I am bored as heck in the blizzard of 2017... IN MARCH!!!!!

Words fail me...at least those in the family friendly part of the dictionary.

Here's hoping the blizzard stays until you realize that developers are not your personal slaves. It's either DIY or waiting until hell freezes over (which is going to take more than a stupid blizzard), especially with that attitude. Your choice.
If you can read technobabble, this may help. I took the Container SDK and excerpted the Sound portion.

Disclaimer - this is part of a file originally written and copyrighted by Microsoft.


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Words fail me...at least those in the family friendly part of the dictionary.

Here's hoping the blizzard stays until you realize that developers are not your personal slaves. It's either DIY or waiting until hell freezes over (which is going to take more than a stupid blizzard), especially with that attitude. Your choice.


You took the words right out of my mouth. I was just going to let him sit and stew and see if any suckers came along to do it for him.
Hey?..I Can't Hear Ya

Quote: '..I am bored as heck in the blizzard of 2017...'

You are NOT supposed to wait outside - go back inside the house! It's effecting your hearing too (hehe).
Chuck B

Should it not be affecting... i.e. having an effect.....????.... effecting something is causing it... affecting...is changing its character...
in other words... faulty bone conduction... effects deafness... but loud sounds... eventually affect bone conduction... and increases deafness...
Well, I tried editing the relative pitch parameters myself, I have no experience in doing that.

How about I post the rparam entries and a fs2004 sound guru can correct the parameters with something better.

interior idle: rparams=0.000000,0.000000,0.250000,1.000000,0.600000,1.250000

Exterior idle: rparams=0.000000,0.000000,0.250000,1.000000,0.600000,1.250000

I want it to sound like a standard Lyulka AL31F idle.


The rparams are your culprit. :)

They determine the 'pitch' or speed a specific sound is to be played at a given throttle setting.
Also; in my experience you can only have 2 points (two points of pitch) therefore the rparams you quote are not correct.

Let's break down the numbers and see what's happening.

Here goes:


At 0% throttle (0.000000,) the first pair of numbers are telling fs to play the sound at 0.000000, - BINGO!; 0 speed!!!

The second entry 0.250000,1.000000, tells fs at 25% (0.250000,) throttle, to play the sound at (1.000000,) normal playing speed.

I won't go into the 3rd set of numbers - they shouldn't be there, as I have aleady explained.

So, for starters my friend, you might take full advantage of those blizzard conditions by warming up your lugs and mitts with a little fun exercise and begin experimenting with the numbers.

To begin with, you might try a setting of:


With this entry the sound will play 85% of normal speed at 0% throttle, and 112% at 25% throttle.
Remember, it will be trial and error - EXPERIMENT! Get your feet WET...and for heaven's sake; make copies and SAVE your work!

It's what we do best.