to ease the process of capturing the .x files and manualy assembling them in Makemdl
I start by creating a project folder called "export to here"
in this I create a dummy model, (an empty txt file named model.mdl)
* it saves typing in the save as dialog
then I create the parameter file for MDLCommander, a text file named model.par
containing the following
# these are parameters for exporting my aircraft
# -b shut up (batch)
# -keep keeps all intermediate files .asm and such n.b. no .asm if +nocompile
# -i ignore warnings
# -i8- do not ignore bad triggers (might be important for stock anims)
# -in- do not ignore bad normals
# -viewlog view logs in case of error (only if -b deactivated)
I also add my shortcut to MakeMDL with those switches set in the target.
( note that the MDLCommander installation procedure involves renaming MakeMDL.exe to mkmdl.exe; MDLCommander.exe then gets named makemdl.exe: so my shortcut actualy points to mkmdl.exe in my plugins folder! )
Keep this set up as a template for repeated use in different projects.
Now when I have parts in gmax selected I export selected to my folder.
Export as an aircraft (even if you want a scenery library object)
Opt to overwrite the dummy model.mdl
the files model.x and model.log will appear in the export folder. model.mdl will not have been overwritten. Rename model.x to myplane_LOD_###.x
go back to gmax and repeat with the next lod selection
dont forget to add a shadow model.
and an interior
the sdk says that .x file names do not need LOD_ ### just the value as
myplane _###.x
when I have my .x files collected they could be named thus
now start mkmdl with the shortcut
on the main tab point the choose any of your .x files for input
for the output type in the name for your finished model
model type is aircraft even for library objects
on the LOD tab check every thing is in order
on the options check CFS2
for library objects, check "keep files" to save the bglc assemblers
click start
I select aircraft model for library objects because that way the scale works out right.
I found this out the hard way
I was sure I had done all correctly
but no object could be seen
this went on for days
it was there
just tiny