A question about the XTrident Bell 412 in VR


Hi all,

Is there anybody using the XTrident Bell 412 in VR ?
On my computer, I'm getting better smoothness when the mouse cursor is visible, than when it is invisible (I configured some keys to activate/deactivate the mouse cursor).
Normally, the contrary should happen, right ? Mouse on screen = less smoothness...
It is so far the only plane where this happens. Is it the same on your side ?
Hi Daube,

I have not used the X Trident Bell 412, but as you say, usually I have found that the contrary is true. Usually (or I should say sometimes) in VR when the mouse cursor is visible the performance is decreased and vice versa. The strange thing is I have only noticed this on several occasions, and it does not seem to be repeatable to me.

Here is a quote from a post I made over at the ORBX forums:

"I just discovered this by accident last night while flying in XP11 with the Oculus Rift. I have allocated a key to switch off the VR mouse cursor when in VR as it can become obtrusive. I just discovered last night that removing the VR mouse cursor can increase the FPS up to 50%. With the mouse cursor active I was getting up to 30 FPS and whenever I disabled it I would get up to 45 FPS. I have just allocated the "end" key on my keyboard to toggle the mouse cursor on and off, but you can allocate any key via the XP11 controls menu."

Sometimes I do not notice any difference at all, and I have not been able to explain this yet.