A question for the scenery gurus


I've also asked this at CBFSIM. Now I've got my FS9 installs (all 4 of 'em!) pretty much back to where they were, I'm starting to dabble at tweaking some things. There are some interesting basic scenery items around that don't quite work in FS9, but might with some judicious application of the virtual spanner; for example there is a version of Battersea Heliport by Anders Samuelsson designed for FS2002 which is actually a fairly decent rendition of the original - except for the fact that, in FS2004, it sits about 1/2 mile back from the river! I'm sure there must be a setting or three in the BGL which can be edited to move it into the correct position, then a little wave of the AFCAD wand and a sprinkling of RWY 12 should see a heliport on the river, surrounded by buildings, and presenting a nice challenge!

But I don't have a clue where to start! Can somebody please point me in the right direction?
Hi, the good news is you can move the Afcad to where ever you want, from the tool bar select EDIT and then SELECT ALL, you'll see everything turn yellow, then with one fingure on the ctrl button on your keybored, move your mouse to anypart of the yellow afcad, click on your mouse button and move to anywhere you want.
The bad news is, if the location is hardwired into the Bgls then your stuck, you may move the Afcad but the custom buildings for that scenery will be stuck in the original position.
As you've hinted in your post, might be a case of moving the Afcad and dicthing the original Bgls and making up your own scenery with Rwy12 or whatever scenery placment program you use, also be aware, when you move an Afcad to a new position you may have issues with excluding stock objects and flat areas.
hope this helps, cheers ian

PS please, please, save your original Afcad somewhere, i lost count how many times i screw'd up trying to figure this operation out.
Each default airport in FS has at least three basic elements:

1. Flatten. Levels the mesh underlying the airport.
2. Base. This is the grassy area underlying and surrounding each airport.
3. Afcad. Defines runways, taxiways, aprons, and other ground elements of an airport. Also comm frequencies and navaid positions.

Each of these three elements are contained in different default scenery bgls. Anything beyond these, which would typically mean buildings and other scenery objects, is optional.

You're talking here only about moving the afcad part of the airport. Depending on how far you move that, you may also have to move the other two elements, the flatten and the base. It's possible to do this by editing the default scenery files, but personally I think editing the default files is a bad idea unless there's no other option. It's better to use a program like Sbuilder (my favorite) to exclude the old base and create a new base and flatten.

You're still left with the problem of moving the buildings and other scenery objects. Since it's an FS2002 scenery, I'm guessing you probably wouldn't be able to open those bgls using something like RWY12 or Instant Scenery. I could be wrong...I don't know much about FS2002 scenery.

The first rule of FS scenery design is "Abandon all hope..." :banghead: :wavey:
Just to clarify my earlier post - I was looking for a way to move the existing scenery, which would then have needed an afcad file added. However, having accepted that is not possible I'm going back tofirst principles & starting from scratch.

The teeny tiny problem stumping me at the moment is the fact that the actual helipad is on a concrete platform jutting out into the Thames (check it out on Google Maps) & I have no idea how to tackle that - I suspect this may need more than a run of the mill flatten/base approach!

So, all help gratefuly accepted!
Try this , you can use closed taxiways as mini flat areas, set the taxiway at zero width and get it in as close to your helipad as poss, ive used an apron poly to enlarge the area and ive gone quite big but maybe you can get it smaller. check out the screenie.
cheers ianView attachment 15540