A question regarding....


The IRIS Freeware "Panavia Tornado F3" V.2 Pack. I lost the initial pack a few months ago as it fell victim to a virus. I still had the folders in my FS9 directory tho so I thought I'd boot it up in FS and have a go. The models show up just fine but there are no gauges in the 2D and Virtual cockpit. I checked the gauges folder and the files for this model are in place and intact tho.

I was just wondering if there is a link to download this model somewhere...? Also, if there is a way to get to the 'freeware' section at IRIS and download the file from them, that would be preferrable. I need to restore the original installer to "re-install" the Tornado.

I built a panel for the model I have but it's not as good as the original that the plane came with.

Thanks -- BB686:USA-flag:
Flightsim.com has the freeware IRIS Tornado F3, but v4.2....which is quite nice! IRISTOR3.zip is the file name.
