A Questoin for AI Traffic Gurus


Charter Member
Hi guys,

After installing FS Global Real Weather (which works great overall) I've been bitten by one feature.

FSGRW has a feature called AI Reset. The way it is supposed to work is that after the weather is loaded it resets AI traffic so it won't be taking off in the wrong direction regarding the wind.

But when I turned it on I lost all my AI traffic everywhere. So I disabled the feature but my AI traffic didn't come back (even after rebooting...this has been going on for several days now).

I know almost nothing about AI traffic other than placing some custom traffic files in FS9 when I install scenery addons.

Is there a place that I can turn my AI traffic back on globally? I assume there is global AI traffic in addition to airport specific AI traffic. I can't image FS Global deleting all my AI traffic files (I hope not) so I'm guessing it has somehow turned AI traffic off on a global basis.

Any help would be appreciated. I'm pretty good at file management and working with config files, but I know nothing about what makes AI traffic go and right now I have none anywhere in the world.

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  • Firstly, look in (fs9)\scenery\world\scenery for files with names that start with 'traffic', and are of type BGL. These are your traffic files.
    If they're not there, then your weather program has moved them elsewhere or deleted them. You can try searching for them.
    If you find them, then move them all back to (fs9)\scenery\world\scenery. This will restore your traffic - after a restart of fs9.
    It's possible that they've all been put into an archive (zip) file, I suppose.
  • If they are all there, then try looking at your sliders (settings) to see if AI traffic is set at 100%. If not - set it there.
Doh! :stupid:

Thank you, Dave!

I guess sometimes its good to ask others as I had lost the forest for the trees modding away for the past 6 months. Forgot entirely to check the AI traffic setting and that was it! :encouragement: Was determined it had to be something complicated when it was right there in front of me!
