A Rant on Abacus


Charter Member
I am a bit pissed off at Abacus Publishing. I purchased two helicopters from them and had to reinstall everything. They were DLC, and well the recipt didn't have the key numbers on it. So I sent them a message through their Contact US about two weeks ago and i have never seen anything from them.

Their Customer Service really sucks!!!!!

I recommend not to buy from them!!!

I want my AH-64 and AH-1G install keys...

It seems like they just love giving us all the big F..K YOU!!! Woe, what a buisness nodel
Never had a problem with them, I reinstalled CFS2 stuff and FSDS2 after a computer crash,
Got instant returns...I will look up my contact info and post it when I get a free moment
I would appreciate it, i love their products, i have a lot of their product installed in both FS9 and FSX....

But this has got me angry as hell at them right now
Well if you go to abacus and your account you can redownload the products and find your registration numbers.

Cheers Chris
I always delt with Nels Anderson I think his name was....
Just can't seem to locate his email address at the moment

I have always had great service from him.
I have no problem getting the downloads. But the invoice for the purchase does not have the codes to get the planes working...all my other invoices from them have the key codes

These two were purchased on the same day, and well no codes are listed on invoice.

When you have a lot of their products, I assume you have an account with Abacus. Through your account you should be able to retrieve your registration Keys (Like Chris/Speedy70 already mentioned)


The quote below comes from the Abacus FAQ page

Where is my registration/serial key?

A: After purchasing a product, the registration key will be e-mailed to you and also available in your account. In your account, click My Orders and then click View Order. There you will have the registration key / serial number.

If there is no key available for an older title, please contact us and provide the title(s) needed and the order number and we will generate a new key for you.
Additional rant about the DC-2 model; I bought a copy through Flight1 and lost it in a crash. I found them most unhelpful, :banghead: and of course they didn't send me another one! I don't use the site or anything now. Good riddance, I say.


When you have a lot of their products, I assume you have an account with Abacus. Through your account you should be able to retrieve your registration Keys (Like Chris/Speedy70 already mentioned)


The quote below comes from the Abacus FAQ page

THIS has been done already three times.....over the past two and a half weeks. Am i going to have to take out a add in TIME SQUARE to get their bloody F'ing attention!!!!

You made it perfectly clear you have tried to contact Abacus already several times. But 3 independent persons, including me, have suggested that you should check your account!

So stop ranting here and check you account or create one.

i have checked the account, i have drawn up the invoice from the account. Then I have contacted the publisher. These steps have been taken...

There is no excuse for their bad treatment of customers.

They have proven to be a poor company to do business with!!!