Thanks Tom,
This is new to me and does help with my understanding of gauges. I have often seen readme notes that encourage placing cab files in the Gauge folder for other uses, but not the name change. Thanks again.
Hi John,
Maybe this helps too.
From an old post I made years ago:
Placement of gauge files
Assume the panel.cfg is in the folder:
If you panel.cfg contains a definition like:
gauge** = filename!gaugename, ..,..
FS seaches for that gauge in the following order:
1. The gauge "gaugename", in file "filename.gau" in folder ...\yourpanel\
2. The gauge/file "gaugename.xml" in folder ....\yourpanel\filename\
3. The gauge "gaugename.xml", in file "" in folder ...\yourpanel\
4. The gauge "gaugename", in file "filename.gau" in folder ...\gauges\
5. The gauge/file "gaugename.xml" in folder ....\gauges\filename\
6. The gauge "gaugename.xml", in file "" in folder ...\gauges\
A few notes
1. As you can see, with the same panel.cfg definition, you can choose to place your gaugefile (.gau or .cab) either in the ....\gauges\ or ...\yourpanel\ folder.
Avantage of ...\gauges\:
- Only one, shared gauge file (saves diskspace)
- Installing a newer version of the gauge, you only have to overwrite one file for all panels using it.
Advantages of ....\yourpanel\:
- Allows for multiple versions of a gauge.
- You never (accidentally) overwrite a gauge with an older version.
- Easy maintenance if you decide to remove a plane with it's panel: you simply delete the whole \aircraft\ folder (and panel subfolder) without leaving (potentially unused gauges) in the \gauges folder; or accidentally delete a gauge that is still used by another aircraft panel.
- Faster loading of the panel, because of the seach order and the size of the gauge folders. Allthough you probably won't notice a difference, unless your main gauges folder contains 10000's of gauges.
So you can decide yourself which "strategy" best suites you.
2. For XML gauges, you can decided to unpack the .cab file (e.g. using WinZip) into a subfolder with the same name as the .cab filename.
- Easy change/replacement of a single .xml or .bmp file, without bundling/replacing the whole .cab file.
- Much faster loading of the panel with very large .cab files (because the file needs not to be unpacked first)
And these are only the main options and advantages
To name three other possibilities:
1. You can put gauge files into a subfolder of ...\gauges\.
gauge** = foldername/filename!gaugename, ..,..
when the gauge file is placed in folder ....\gauges\foldername\
Not very usefull given the other options, especially since if it's wasn't setup this way by the designer, you have to modify all gauge definitions in the panel.cfg.
2. Use panel aliasses, i.e. a common panel folder (with gauges) for more aircraft (or aircraft models).
The panel.cfg only needs to contain the line "alias=......", where ..... specifies the path of the actual panel folder (which can be anywhere in the FS tree)
3. Modify the bitmap of an xml gauge for a specific panel.
Suppose you want to adapt the bitmap of an XML gauge in a .cab file, for one specific panel.
What you do: Extract the .bmp file from the file, eg. with Winzip, to folder ...\aircraft\youraircraft\yourpanel\filename\ and modify it.
Now this particular panel will use the modified bitmap and NOT the bitmap from the .cab file.
Hope this clarifies a few things.
Rob Barendregt