A simple question about the stock artillery?


Charter Member
During the process of QC on the enemy artillery facility I noticed that the US 105mmM2A1 Howitzer versus the German 105mmleHF18 Howitzer show up at 180 degrees differently from one another.

Is there a reason for this? :banghead: :isadizzy:
so they can be pointed easly at echother witout fireing over there own ammo crates maby?
In QC I don't know but in campaign mode, this can occur and there's a reason, I suppose it's the same problem.

In the artillery facility, it's coded in which direction objects are oriented. This means that all guns that will be called will be turned in the same direction for that facility.

But, if guns models are not coded the same (front is 0° for the first one and 180° for the other one) then, one will be correctly oriented in the facility and the other one will be opposite direction.

The only solution is to edit facility and replace the generic #static_artillery pickup by a specific artillery gun. Doing this, you are sure that guns will be always correctly oriented but you will have less diversity. This is a choice to do.

Hope I've been clear in my explanations!:mixedsmi:
Thanks for Replys

Thanks 'Led Zeppelin' and 'norm' for your responses to my post. Out of curiosity I replaced the US 105mm artillery vehicle with the German Howitzer then edited the XML file so it would use the the same type of gun that the stock US 105mm artillery was using. Then making sure it was listed as an USA weapon.

Then edited the artillery facility file so that they would all face the same direction.

It worked great. :applause: