A slight little problem


Charter Member
Hi guys, Bad news, not for you but for me.
I downloaded a update to one of my 3d programs. It went to update and all the exe did was delete all of my work files and all of my flight sim projects.
Luckily the pay ware ones are automatically backed up every night, but the Beech 17.. gone, every little file is all gone, it even went and deleted the backups on my usb
Needless to say I sent a bill to the company with my lawyers letter head demanding payment for the loss. Lol!
So ... sigh...I will have to start it all over again. So it will be delayed. I'm sorry for the wait, I know you wanted it pretty bad.

Well while I'm at it I may as well reformat the Hd incase the idiots that built the exe deleted a serious system file....morons. I'm a tiny little design company and I don't make serious errors like that. Let alone a multi billion dollar 3d company.

So hang in there with me I will have to start over, but it will probably be even better this round.
I will start by reinstalling fs9 and all my cool scenery...water, mesh, clouds, "***" planes...blink blink...snort....stuff.......

Dang it!

Thanks for your patience.

Tom Wood
Lead Designer.
Jeez, Tom, sorry to hear it. Anything I can do to help you, you need only ask. I'd say we, but I can only speak for myself.

Bad news, Tom! Personally, I hate to "do over", so I sympathize.
I hope you can get some compensation for mental anguish and heart palpitations resulting from unrestrained cussing.

- H52
Oh its not so bad, one thing about it, the second time around always turns out better. so in the end it will be a better addon this round.

I remember when I 1st started out in this game designing stuff , i forgot to back up a file that i worked on for 3 months, and i lost it.. that hurt....lol that was the dr1..hehe. and it turned up pretty good after all was said.

It will be good, and it will be delivered on time no worries.

Aww bummer, sorry for the loss.

But will wait as long as it takes for an update to the awesome Beech 17.
Nope all is well. The Beech is back up and running! Looking better then ever too! I will have some pics in a few days for you guys!
Spiced up the gauges in the vc as well! And sounds....wow on the sounds!!

Looking better then last week. :)

Tom Wood
Lead Designer.
What a terrible thing to happen Tom...as we say down under," Bugga!" (or worse, @#$%^&*!!)
Great news that the Beech is back up!:applause::applause::applause:
Welp found the deleting problem was a file that the exe was installing had the exact extension on it as one of the files in my flight sim, a scenery file... so it just saw that couldnt associate it with the other files it was going to install and just said," It must be a virus!!!" and went crazy deleting all flight sim stuff releated to the extension it found. Funny thing, the computer runs better now. Humph.

Any ways this version of fs9 will use differant fs sceneries then the last so that shouldnt happen again.

Im going to re master the old liveries and make them much better then add in 12 more liveries made from scratch. That should round out the project very nicely. The vc will be done tonight. I worked on the gauges last night, and dug out a set of sounds I wanted to use for years for it and set them up for fs9. Now to adjust the air file some re master the old paint jobs and then do the new paint jobs. Its going very smoothly this time around.


Tom Wood
Lead Designer.
Fantastic! Sounds like I do when something goes terribly wrong, then suddenly something clicks. Then back to it with gusto!! Love it when something like that happens. Good luck, and standing by, Tom. :applause::applause::applause::guinness: