A small problem with computer generated parked aircraft at airports

I've recently installed sim update 15 and I've only seen default aircraft parked on the ground at airports. Usually I can see computer generated examples of aircraft that have been downloaded (examples: FlyingIron Spitfire and Hellcat) as well, but I haven't seen any today even though I have use generic aircraft models turned off. Is there a way to fix this? The reason why I'm asking this is because I enjoy seeing other Spitfires and Hellcats on the ground when I'm flying one myself.
I can't find anything like that over at the official forum, so you might want to try asking there. The crew running that board have much deeper knowledge of the inner workings of the sim.
Update: I have seen Spitfires and some non generic light aircraft (Pitts Special, Carbon Cub, Savage Cub, etc.) at a few, but not all airports today. Hopefully this will be fixed properly in a future update and I will be able see non generic aircraft at all airports again.