A small test just for fun


Charter Member
For those of you willing to try, here's an Ambient Occlusion texture for the Sm.79 of mine that will enhance it a wee bit.
What's AO?

It's a technique used to simulate soft, realistic shadows over objects in a scene. It will add a sense of depth to the mesh.

How to add it:

Back up the texture you wish to change in case you don't like it
Open the main texture with Photoshop (dds plugin needed)
Add a new layer
Copy my file to the new layer using "multiply" as method
Re-save the texture as DDS1 no alpha

Since there are lots of different schemes for the bird and different resolutions for each main texture, I felt this was the easiest way for me to share it.

Enjoy it!:wavey:


  • dr_sm79_AO.zip
    655.5 KB · Views: 0
Could anyone give us a screenie of the Sparrowhawk with this layer added?

(thanx in advance)
The zip file turns out a jpg???

For those of you willing to try, here's an Ambient Occlusion texture for the Sm.79 of mine that will enhance it a wee bit.
What's AO?

It's a technique used to simulate soft, realistic shadows over objects in a scene. It will add a sense of depth to the mesh.

How to add it:

Back up the texture you wish to change in case you don't like it
Open the main texture with Photoshop (dds plugin needed)
Add a new layer
Copy my file to the new layer using "multiply" as method
Re-save the texture as DDS1 no alpha

Since there are lots of different schemes for the bird and different resolutions for each main texture, I felt this was the easiest way for me to share it.

Enjoy it!:wavey:

I saved the file... but its properties say jpg.????
Pop, here you go:





Gaucho, doesn't matter the extension of the file, I could have done that bmp or tiff or anything else. I used jpg to keep it light. Please notice that this is not a texture you simply put in-game, it's a layer you need to add to the pre-existing texture using Photoshop and then save it again.:wavey:
Thanx Luca.... That is really nice!! :engel016:
Having lost my Photoshop (again) I wuz wunderin',
does anyone know if "Gimp" has a compatible layering function?
(thanx in advance)