Just uploaded to FlightSim and here a complete set of all the Granville Brothers Gee Bee single-seat Sportsters: Models X, B, C, D, E and F.
In two packs to reduce the size of the downloads, in-line versions in one pack, radial versions in the other.
"Granville Brothers Gee Bee In-Line Sportster Package FS9 / GW3
A complete set of the in-line Cirrus, Menasco and Fairchild powered Granville Brothers Gee Bee Sportsters. Includes the Models X, B, C, D and F. Five models, eight authentic paints, 2D panels and VCs...."
"Granville Brothers Gee Bee Model E Radial Sportster FS9 / GW3
The radial engined Granville Brothers Model E Sportster on wheels and on skis. Four models with four authentic paints depicting each of the four Model Es that were built, three of them on skis as well as wheels. Includes 2D panels and VCs. By David Wooster and Mick Morrissey, sounds by Mike Hambley."
Every single-seat Sportster ever built is represented with at least one authentic livery. The radial Sportsters can even be flown on skis!
Next up: the Model Y Senior Sportster. (Trying not to use the "S" word...)
In two packs to reduce the size of the downloads, in-line versions in one pack, radial versions in the other.
"Granville Brothers Gee Bee In-Line Sportster Package FS9 / GW3
A complete set of the in-line Cirrus, Menasco and Fairchild powered Granville Brothers Gee Bee Sportsters. Includes the Models X, B, C, D and F. Five models, eight authentic paints, 2D panels and VCs...."
"Granville Brothers Gee Bee Model E Radial Sportster FS9 / GW3
The radial engined Granville Brothers Model E Sportster on wheels and on skis. Four models with four authentic paints depicting each of the four Model Es that were built, three of them on skis as well as wheels. Includes 2D panels and VCs. By David Wooster and Mick Morrissey, sounds by Mike Hambley."
Every single-seat Sportster ever built is represented with at least one authentic livery. The radial Sportsters can even be flown on skis!
Next up: the Model Y Senior Sportster. (Trying not to use the "S" word...)