A very basic question


I'am a newbe when it comes to Off,and need to know if you have to have P1 and P2 installed before going to P3?
In other word ,does P1 and P2 have different eras of the First World war and have different planes etc?
Or does P3 include all that the first two parts have and is kind of an upgrade .
Also if you can use P3 as a standalone then what about the other phases that may be comming,do you have to uninstall P3 to use the new ,say P4?
Also other than the one patch that goes with P3 does both patches for CFS3 have to be installed?I have CFS3 installed ,with several addons and have it patched with both patches for CFS3 and realise that Off should be installed on a clean CFS3 install.Do you have to rename CFS3, or as I have two HD's could I put it on the drive that doesn't have CFS3(in my case the E drive.
Sorry if all these questions have been asked before but rather than trying to find the post that might have them ,I thought I'd open a new thread.Hope this doesn't cause you any problems.Thanks,oh ya does the Nationality expansion pac or ,and other effects have to be installed?
Again sorry for all the questions.

Welcome to the OFF Forum. You do not need any other version of OFF than the present one for sale. You are welcome to own Phase 2, but at this point, why bother. Do not be deceived by the name Phase 3. It's really called Between Heaven and Hell. It's just affectionate known by the community as Phase 3.

BHaH is the entire Western Front of WWI from 1915-1918. We still have quite a few planes to add, which will come as add-ons down the road, or maybe as another 'phase'. We're not sure and there is nothing on the boards yet.

You should be able to run a second version of CFS3 as long as you point it somewhere else... but I would take precautions like making a copying of the main CFS3 folder just in case.

All you need to install is the CFS3.1 patch and that's it. Run CFS3 once, then follow the instructions on the case.

Sorry I haven't been able to get back to you sooner ,

I'am sorry I didn't get back to you sooner ,but last night when I tried to reply,I got the "Windows cannot find the page"
thing.Was the site hacked?
Any way it's working fairly good for now so I hope you get this post.
I,am a little confused about patching.
Does CFS3 have to have the two patches applied or will the Off patch be enough?
Also, when you say point CFS3 to another location, wouldn't putting it on my second HDwork or does the name have to be changed.
As for backing up CFS3 that would take a DVD rather than a CD because of it's size.
So thanks for the fast reply.
Hurrican please see the FAQ near the top..

You do not need Phase 1 or 2. Phase 3 is complete.
Normally a new Phase needs to remove the old Phase. P4 may well also require removal of P3 we don't know yet we haven't made it.

To be honest unless you really know what you are doing I would not attempt to have multiple copies of CFS3.
Install it clean, patch it to 3.1, install OFF P3. Job done.

Anyway see the FAQ for how you install it and what options you have.

Re backing up, OvS means "move it to another folder on your hard drive" out of the way.
sorry for being a pest

I'll try and make this short and sweet.
Since my current copy of CFS3 is on the "C" drive can't I leave it there if I install OFF on my other drive"E" since it is compleatly separate from the C drive ,couldn't I install it on my second HD.
I would hate uninstalling CFS3 on my first"C" drive after all the addons, and work I've put into it, over the years.
Thanks so much for puting up with me and all my stupid qustions.I will bug you no more unless I have trouble with installing and running it
You can leave it on C: and install OFF to E: they do not need to be on the same disk! or folder.

I install mine to D:\OBDSoftware

and end up with
D:\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields
D:\OBDSoftware\WW1 Scenery

and my CFS3 is elsewhere (well this time I installed by pointing it to the CFS3 DVD when asked during installation.

Don't panic just try it?

Yep it MAY work using your installed CFS3 to copy files from, but if you have problems first thing we'll ask is you try either a clean install of CFS3
As per the FAQ you can try to point the OFF install to copy files from your CFS3 CD/DVD! (this will only work if it's a newish version). In fact if you are sure you want to never touch your CFS3 ever and your CFS is old buy a new re released version of CFS3. Anyway first thing I'd try the OFF install choose to copy CFS3 files from disk and see what happens.
Thanks guys for your help and in answering my questions. Think I'll put it on the E drive by it's self.Seems thats the easiest ,to install another copy of CFS3 on a seperate hard drive, that way I can keep my current install of CFS3 and install it from the CFS3 disk,patch it ,fly it ,then install OFF to the clean install on my E drive.
You guys rate number one in my book. Thanks again
Hurricane, you don't need to install another copy of CFS3, two copies of CFS3 installed is possible using tools, but not normally a good idea.

OFF does NOT install INTO CFS3 if that's what you think?

Just do what I said.

install OFF (not CFS3) to E:\blah...
Ok , I didn't make myself clear,my fault.Here is my question as simple as I can make it.
I have two separate hard drives,one is the C drive the other I named the E drive.
What would I have to do to install OFF on the E drive?
I have the standard CFS3 with all the patches and addon planes,and Firepower and GMX's D-Day as well as DPC's Korea on the Cdrive.