A2A Bf-109E Campaign Skin Packs by 'fleurdelys'


Have found some excellent A2A Bf-109e skins done by a painter called 'fleurdelys' using Martin Catney's excellent paint kit.

I believe that 'fleurdelys' produced some Balkan and Russia Campaign skin packs?

Anyone know what sites I should search. Have not had any joy on fltsim and avsim.

Happy New Year
Click on the button "Warbirds Library" at the top of this page. Click on "search" (just below the script text "Warbirds")". And search on the userid "fleurdelys" you will be able to find 3 packages with repaints for the A2A Messerschmitt.

If I could I would have given you a link, but no specific link appears when I do the search.

Thanks Huub and JD. I now have the 'emil' packs covering the Polish campaign and 'Phoney War', the Battle of France and the Battle of Britain.

Amazingly detailed skins using Martin's paint-kit and each skin has a small history/story associated to it. Great research and application in this field by 'fleurdelys'.

Huub, many thanks for the skins you have delighted me with over the years. JD thanks for the amusing remarks and dry Scottish humour which is your trademark .
