A2A Fuel bug possible cure.

Ron Attwood

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After reading about how A2A simulates fuel in the fuel lines, I got to thinking 'How clever are they?' If you use the tanks according to the book, left main first, you get an error. I tried using the right main first then switching to the left. What do you think the result was? I got an error! Nah, not really. :D Everything stayed green! :encouragement: Now that may have been a fluke. I'd be interested to hear from other A2A 'stang drivers.
Careful, Ron. When you start on the right tank, the excess fuel is dumped overboard instead of going into the left tank. I think if you go back to the right tank after switching to the left for a bit, you'll get the error message again.

And, as I've just found out after a bit of research, you need every drop you can keep. My latest high speed runs in the 'stang showed a fuel consumption of 224gph at full throttle at low level. My only consolation is that spookster's gas bill HAS to be higher than ours.

I've haven't seen the error since that first time, and I've switched tanks on at least 2 legs. Is it consistent in the pony?