A2A P-51D Repaints

Tom Burnside

Charter Member
Hello everyone im having a problem finding repaints for this beauty. I have both the D and D/H package but cant find any repaints for them ive searched various sites but no luck.

I did say to look here. Type Shockwave into the FS2004 Military Props 'Skins' section. You could type A2A I guess but I've just found a pile come up using Shockwave;)

This is most probably one of the most repainted models around, so it amazes me that you can't find any repaints. The model was originally published as WOP (Wings of Power) which was a brand name from shockwave, which is currently known as A2A. The set containing the P-51 was called WWII-fighters.

When you do a search in the library on the userids "Bomber_12th" and "JanKees" you will most probably already have more repaints than you can handle.

Good luck,
Tom, do you have the WoP_P-51 or the WWII_FIGHTERS_P51D?
Hi Tom,

I just downloaded Matt's fantastic WoP Dutch textures again (fltsim), 18 texture files! They should fit on either model! I have the WWII fighters...!
The texture names you mentioned are not even included!
Are you sure you are downloading for the right AC?

Tom, take in a look inside the texture folder of the aircraft. Do you see the files with names sw_p51_t_1 and sw_p51_t_2 ? Or so you see files named P-51D1_t, P-51D2_t, P-51D3_t, etc. (All among other files of course).

The file names will tell you exactly which version you have. The original WOP P-51 only had two external texture files. The WOPII originally came with 2 the same two texture files, however when you update it to the 1.2 version you should haven 5 textures files for the external textures.

Are your default textures for the D model "The Flying Undertaker/Snooks"

Hi Tom,

I just downloaded Matt's fantastic WoP Dutch textures again (fltsim), 18 texture files! They should fit on either model! I have the WWII fighters...!
The texture names you mentioned are not even included!
Are you sure you are downloading for the right AC?


I have the Dutch one its very nice indeed but thats the kind of repaint file im after but for Ferocious Frankie an RAF and French Airforce aircraft.
I have the Dutch one its very nice indeed but thats the kind of repaint file im after but for Ferocious Frankie an RAF and French Airforce aircraft.

I think I found your problem...
The downloads you are looking for only include the main two textures. (John Terrell's Furious Frankie i.e.).
Everything else needs to be copied and pasted from the base model.
John explains the installation procedure well in the readme file!

1. Find and open your WOP P51D folder.
2. Create a new folder and title it texture.frankie
3. Copy the base textures to the new folder.
4. Copy and paste the new Ferocious Frankie texture files into the newly made texture folder. (Overwrite the two textures).
5. Copy and paste this entry into the .cfg file:
Remember to replace the X's with the next number in order:

title=P-51D 'Ferocious Frankie' Long Range
ui_manufacturer=Wings of Power
ui_type=P-51D Mustang w/ Tanks
ui_variation='Ferocious Frankie' Long Range
description='Cadillac of the Skies' is what pilots and civilians alike came to call the North American P-51 Mustang, and with good reason. Certainly the best all-around fighter of WWII, when all factors are considered, the aircraft was beautiful to behold, in the air or on the ground. The flight characteristics, while suicidal for a novice, were sharp-edged and rewarded a skilled pilot with pulse-pounding performance. The Mustang, in the 'D' model especially, had impressive range, excellent firepower, superb visibility, and exemplary agility and speed. While other aircraft were able to match some aspects of the Mustang's performance, none were able to match all of them. That is why the Mustang emerged supreme among the piston-engined fighters of WWII, and why it is the most widely-recognized prop fighter in the world.

I think I found your problem...
The downloads you are looking for only include the main two textures. (John Terrell's Furious Frankie i.e.).
Everything else needs to be copied and pasted from the base model.
John explains the installation procedure well in the readme file!


The Dutch one I downloaded all I have to do is just put the original textures into a seperate folder and just copy the repaint folders into the texture folder thats the kind of repaint im after I dont really want to muck up the texture.