A2A warbirds in P3D2.5


Charter Member
I've finally was able to install my a2a warbirds into p3d with the 61915 update of core accusim. I picked up the most recent version of the Estonia Migration tool amd honestly for $13 I'm getting all my non used "fsxonly" airplanes into p3d with no hassle. what a fabulous tool! So far P51 and P40 work like a charm...next up the spit! and then my Warbirdsim mustangs! Could I have saved the 13$? probably but for no hassle install using the addon installer...can't beat that price! one happy customer!
I've installed the A2A warbirds just using the installer. Never used the migration tool and everything works like a charm!

I've installed the A2A warbirds just using the installer. Never used the migration tool and everything works like a charm!


How is the F4U working. Been meaning to install it in P3D. I have never been happy with the flight dynamics in FSX and was considering working on the air file.
I'm just happy to find something that makes it so I don't have to spend my already limited FS time on dealing with install headaches. I'm glad to finally get them working. Definitely not an application for everyone but it's a big time saver for me...going to try it in another few aircraft that have P3D uparades which i suspect are nothing more than installer path corrections. For one in particular I've already bought it twice over and there's no way I'm paying another dime for the same aircraft again. Not that I don't want to support developers but 2x is enough. ;)
How is the F4U working. Been meaning to install it in P3D. I have never been happy with the flight dynamics in FSX and was considering working on the air file.

Paul, the F4U is fine in V2.5. One of my all time favourites. I fly it with an alternative FDE made by Fliger747 (Tom) and enhanced by John Terrell, which is much better (latest link: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/attachment.php?attachmentid=17809&d=1420406948 ) . You also might want to check this:


and these very informative SOH threads:


as well as:


Thanks Mark, I will check these links out and try the FDs. There was a freeware F4U-7 made for FS9 (French made, I forget the author) that had the best FDs I had seen and I was going to use it as a base for the A2A model and tweak it as needed.
All my desired aircraft are now successfully in P3Dv2. fabulous. Very excited to be in one sim only now. :D
Mark, the link for the FDs by Tom and John downloads a file called attachment.php and I don't have any idea what to do with it.
I'm going to try them out tonight if I can, other things have kept me busy. The racer is an improvement but I'm not satisfied. There is exaggerated instability when changing throttle settings. I was running acufeel or whatever the heck you call it and need to turn it off next time. What really drove me batty with the original fds was the sense of negative dihedral and the fact that no matter how hard I tried I could not make it loop or perform an Imelman turn. This aircraft was noted for its stability and manuverability but could be deadly near stall speeds.
Tried the new FDs last night. Went looking for some Japanese ships in the Solomon Islands! The performance of the Corsair was vastly improved either that or my flying skills had improved, I suspect the former. I was able to perform an Imelman and a loop under 300knts something I couldn't achieve at any speed before. I did black out for a few seconds. Low speed approach was much more stable. I think I may be able to catch a wire now. That will be my next test after I install some carriers in P3D. My hats off and a big thanks to Tom and John and also to Mark for the scenery and HU on the FDs. :loyal::applause:
Good to hear, Paul. I had the same impressions with the FDEs. In my opinion, Accufeel adds some important sensations to the flying experience of the F4U.

With the new FDE it is also possible to land it in a way which works exceptionally well with the A2A Thunderbolt and is described in a thread in the A2A P-47 forum. I quote:

-------8< snip

This one is tricky and takes a lot of practice and familiarity with the airplane; but it was common practice among hot fighter jocks in WWII (it’s similar to a curved, pylon-turn carrier approach): Approach the runway with full flaps, slightly high, at a slightly higher than normal approach airspeed, 90 degrees to it, aiming at a place just a hundred yards or so before the threshold. When you are fairly close in, dive and turn hard with lots of power to line up with the center of the runway, chopping power and leveling off an instant before the main wheels touch down. Whew. I’ve seen films of pilots coming back to England from missions over Europe doing this in P-47s, P-51s, and P-38s; it’s amazing.

-------8< snip

You really have to watch your turning radius and keep the engine running in the F4U when doing that!

I never shot carrier landings in it though, I think I have to try that one of these days. I have Vertigos Enterprise and AIcarriers, both work nicely in P3D 2.5.

For some reason reply with quote isn't working.
Mark, that's good to know about AICarriers and the Enterprise. I have AIC, tried it once but it and VRS TACPACK's ability to generate carriers on the fly takes away from the realism IMHO. I have Javier's carriers and a couple of WWII era ones that I'll make tracks for like I have setup in FSX which was the next thing I wanted to do with P3D.

The tight turn and short final onto the deck was the only way to get the F4U trapped because of the lack of viability over the nose. Due to the many mishaps the navy decided to keep the Corsair land based after Guadalcanal. The same landing technique was used for the Duck but its slow airspeed made it easier.