a_controltower & a_Bulldozer


Charter Member
Remember this for the KTO? Remember who made it? I would sure like to know.

There is also an a_bulldozer in DPC's Korean Skies but it's .m3d is corrupt. As I recall the same person who made the control tower is the same person who fixed the bulldozer. I don't think the dozer was ever uploaded as a single vehicle but was just incorporated into the control tower model. I believe there was some discussion about these back in the day but a search didn't find anything.

Remember this for the KTO? Remember who made it? I would sure like to know.

There is also an a_bulldozer in DPC's Korean Skies but it's .m3d is corrupt. As I recall the same person who made the control tower is the same person who fixed the bulldozer. I don't think the dozer was ever uploaded as a single vehicle but was just incorporated into the control tower model. I believe there was some discussion about these back in the day but a search didn't find anything.


Interesting! A bulldozer is on my to-do list. I didn't know about this one!
Well, for the moment it only exists as part of the control tower model. I was hoping to find the author and to ask if it was possible to separate the two into separate models. A long shot I know, but it was worth a try.
What is the control tower model,is it a facility? If you open it with notepad the bulldozer wich is a vehicle should appear as a separate item in the listing and could be deleted if that is what you want.
No, not a facility. That would be too easy.:icon_lol:

It is a building that has the dozer as part of it's model. Some one made it for the KTO.
oh please.....make it driveable!!!

Driving or driveable? Of course it should be driving - it's a vehicle - but I hadn't planned on making it driveable...
And I have something on my HD that should go perfectly with it in the PTO...
think of the Hobbit loose in one of these.....no plane, no building is safe....