As Charlie Brown says, "AAArrrgghh!!!." It's been a long time since I've fiddled with files in CFS3. I'm trying out the freeware BoB in CFS3 and it works fine until I try to add the update Boston A20. It'll show up on the British listing of available aircraftl, but when I click on scramble, CFS3 shuts down back to my desktop. I guess I'm missing something on the Boston's installation, but I ain't got a clue. Years ago I used to fiddle around trying different planes. HELP!
Hi Waco, just a few questions for clarification:
1 Are we talking about Pat Pattle's BoB install? that is the latest and the best IMHO
2 If the A 20 is not part of his BoB package, you will have to check that the A20 is compatible with the BoB stand-alone install. By that I mean that
- the sound.cfg file points to the right set of sound files
- the weapons, pylons and guns specified in the gunstations and loadouts section of the A20's xdp file are all present and correct,
- the textures including shared textures specified in the m3d files are present either in the A20 folder or in the aircraft/shared folder. A missing texture (in .dds format) will not necessarily crash the game, but it will make things look funny.
3 any other files to check? Well the effects files called for in the A20's xdp file will need to be in the effects.xml file for the eye candy to work properly (damage effects, engine startup effects, etc etc)
I suppose the main thing to remember is that if the aircraft has not been prepared specificly for the BoB install, but for generic CFS3 or for ETO, then it will not be completely compatible with BoB. You will then need to be comfortable with editing the various files to ensure compatibility. (or ask around - someone may have already done the job).
By the way, good choice! I really like the A20, it seems to be a tough workhorse.