AAF-Fiat CR.42 FFL.zip

AAF-Fiat CR.42 FFL.zip 2024-05-05

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AER_DaddyO submitted a new resource:

AAF-Fiat CR.42 FFL.zip - AAF-Fiat CR.42 FFL.zip

Repaint for the Fiat CR.42 by Italianwings & Manuele Villa,November 2010.Converted to CFS2 by The B24 Guy and Pepe Rezende. Available in the Library.This Fiat CR.42 was captured by General Leclerc's troops on an Italian airfield.In Norhern Chad or South Lybia. Was used as reccco and hack aircraft Capitaine Marcel Finance.Groupe de bombardement n°2 Bretagne.Forces Aériennes Françaises Libres.Most of the texture is the original by Manuele Villa, I just repainted the Free French roundels.F. de...

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