Abacus - Battle for Midway - 32 Bit Install problem


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after long years I recently saw the Add On for CFS 1, at an E Bay dealer very cheap. saw and ran. Now I have a problem: While Abacus pearl harbor can be installed without problems on Win 7 64 bit, Midway points out that it is a 32 bit application. Are there ways to bypass this? Otherwise I would install CFS 1 on my sister's computer ( XP 32 bit ), install CFS 1 on it and then copy the add on, the folder via USB stick and on my PC.
Hello Elsner (or Markus?):wavey:

As far as I know, W10 still has a 32 bit capacity, like W98SE was a 32 bit system with 16 bit legacy.

If you have installed CFS1, 32 bit legacy should be there as well as it is a 32 bit application.

I don't know how Abacus Midway add-on install itself on W10 as I'm still under W7 (untill next year that is...:wiggle:).

But keep trying!