Abacus Mosquito addon pack for CFS3

Capt. Winters

Charter Member
Hi Guys,

Does anybody know if this is still available? I've been doing a bit of a search, but no luck thus far..

regards Rob.
Hello chaps!

First the Abacus Mosquito pack is one I have, called properly Mosquito Combat Europe. Back in the dawn of time both Flyby (gone but not forgotten) and I had it installed. It gave you new aircraft and loads of mission and a couple of campaigns. It also tweaked the stock model FM's. There were a couple of glaring faults, mainly model screw ups on the BIX and the BXIX which had them as Tsetse's. Fortunately Stan was able to sort a fix out. There were some good points, the tweaked FM's made them more zippy. In fact we both felt that they reflected better what we had extensively read about than the 1% Mossie FM does. The combat enhancements are optional. With the ETO I have no idea how it would install intot he Era's. I have kept the aircraft from the original install and the missions and may put tehm into the ETO.

As for Dave and Kev's Mossie project I haven't been sent any updates for quite a while. I do know that Dave has had personal probs and Kev took a break. So I will make enquiries soon. I haven't been wanting to hassle them.

As for myself I too have been out of it, but I will resume work on the various projects on sea and in the air that I commited to (that means you RB!).

check out the screenies at Abacus... I fear they still have the weird 'stilt' undercarridge... oh well:friday:
@ beau...i am here m8...i am here!!! just take it cool....i ve been away from the JUs for awhile..(flying other stuff hehe)..I have KG30 allready to go...I can release em as Nacht gave me permission....They will be part of the pack i think....
Hi Guys,

Well I must say that was a waste of money, I figured there would be mistakes etc, but really all this is, is 3 standalones of stock Mossies??

and they have the wrong VC installed in two of them, no gunsight, and a glass nose but the outside view has a fixed nose and weapons. yet it wont shoot.

I have tried to do the usual changes to at least get the plane that doesnt fire to fire, but no joy yet.

on the up side the 40 odd missions slipped straight into my ETO 1.2 install. a good selection of anti shipping, industrial targets and sweeps. I'll place other aircraft like the Beaufighter into some and maybe the firepower heavies into others. and its cool to see the ETO airfields etc when playing these missions

The skins are crap! they dont macth the version there depicting, bomb bay doors are missaligned etc etc

all in all a very crappy addon.

I at least thought they had modelled there own planes, but I flew them and compared them to the stock mossies and I'm stuffed if I could see any differances.

anyway if your thinking of buying it dont!!

regards Rob.

PS Ted, I support payware, if yours where payware I would buy them, and not regret it like I have this lot.
see my new thread

" PS Ted, I support payware, if yours where payware I would buy them, and not regret it like I have this lot."


@ beau...i am here m8...i am here!!! just take it cool....i ve been away from the JUs for awhile..(flying other stuff hehe)..I have KG30 allready to go...I can release em as Nacht gave me permission....They will be part of the pack i think....

the "pack"?? ...and what pack is this, good sir?
sir....it a work in progress and very early so....a follow up to my 2 bloody biscay sets and beaus seaeagles..( that one found on his site)

preliminary set up KG 40 , KG 30 KG 26 missions in the north sea, english channel, western aproches...
a/c ju 88 he 111 Do 217 ..... will be ETO 1.2.......

Sounds like a right bloody rip-off. I did wonder when I saw the screenshots with the odd stock undercart and without the chin intakes...
Sounds like a right bloody rip-off. I did wonder when I saw the screenshots with the odd stock undercart and without the chin intakes...

Yes and especially when you consider the amazing standard of all the freeware aircraft we are so lucky to have. I nearly pressed that order button myself, lucky escape!:faint:
Hi Guys,

well I got to work last night and managed to get the thing half decent,

I included the correct VC files for each type, fixed the guns on the ones that didnt work. changed the load outs to smaller modeled bombs so they dont stick out through the fuselage, placed correct period and type skins on them with corrected bomb bay doors and gun ports, redone the description part of the xdp files. alised the sound to the twin merlin sounds from the ETO and lastly repainted the cookie bomb they included to look realistic, and given it the correct effects as per the AvH 4000lb cookie. in the ETO

still money down the drian but at least its usable now in my ETO, the missions are pretty good, and I will use them as templates to make more varied intruder type missions.

didnt end all bad.

regards Rob.