Abnormal Landings


Charter Member
How would I go about extending only the port (or starboard) MLG on, say, a C-47 or a B-17? How should I modify the scrape points on wing and nacelles to keep FS9 from registering it as a crash, and instead allow the aircraft to slide to a stop?

How would I go about extending only the MLG on, say, a C-54 or a B-29? How should I modify the scrape points on the fuselage to keep FS9 from registering it as a crash, and instead allow the aircraft to slide to a stop?

- H52

To prevent any crash turn off crash detection (in realism). Only way. Moving the scrapes, etc, will not prevent crash due to stress, such as belly landings.

In the contact points section of aircraft cfg you will find extension time for individual wheels. Don't want nose wheel to extend? Then enter a time of 360.000 (seconds, or 6 minutes). The main wheels will extend but nose wheel will not be there when you crash.

The only points that will 'work' for belly landings are the FLOATS (or type 4) points. Scrapes won't work. You remove the 'sparks' in effects section. Here are two previous posts in Flt Sim Com forums on the subject. Cheers.
Chuck B



If the links don't work, then go FSCom and enter 'belly landings' in forum search. PM me and you can provide the cfg so I can help you edit it.
IIRC the A2A Wings of Power Bombers and Jets pack are belly landing enabled. If you have them, check out their cfgs. They have a B-17 and a B-29 included.

Floats are the best I think for this as it enables you to land at sea too without sinking instantly. Landings have to be real slow and REAL smooth, MINIMAL sink rate to avoid a 'crash'.

Thanks Chuck and Jamie. I've tested it on a tail-dragger and it works perfectly. I'll modify a trike on the weekend and post some screenies.

- H52
That "thing" called real life got in the way, so this has taken longer than planned.

I modified two a/c, Leobardo Guzman's C-46 --further modified by Terry Jones to include random failures; and Tom Gibson's DC-7CF as repainted by Manfred Meyer.

The C-46 had a Float Point added to the fuselage 15 ft forward of the tail wheel and Float Points added to the bottom of the nacelles. The extension time of the starboard MLG was increased by 600 seconds. Enhanced spray and water effects were added from the Grumman J2F 'Duck'.

Similar mods were made to the DC-7CF with a Float Point placed on the nose 10 ft higher than the extended position of the nose wheel and Float Points added to the inboard nacelles 10 ft forward and 8 ft higher than the position of the extended MLG. The extension time of the nose wheel was increased by 2200 seconds. Enhanced spray and water effects were added from the Grumman J2F 'Duck'.

Crash detection should remain "ON" otherwise the a/c will bounce back into the sky. Ditchings in particular require a very soft touch, as pointed out by Jamie. But it CAN be done.

- H52

H52, Did you go look at my video of 737 and 747 doing land and water 'belly landing'? I only used 3 floats. 1 on under nose, and 1 each under engines. I used a light to temp locate floats position. You don't need more than 3 cnt pts. Anymore than that does nothing. Here is link: http://youtu.be/kKrXKnCcEdg . You can add effects, or let the sparks fly from floats on touchdown. You can also leave crash detection on. Your choice. But, it DOES NOT make the AC BOUNCE on contact. That is a mistaken assumption-sorry. Chuck B Napamule
Chuck, you must have velcro on your ocean. With crash detection OFF, your a/c will MOST DEFINITELY jump back into the sky.

- H52
Easy! ..just ask Chesley Burnett "Sully" Sullenberger...He has some experience in this...Vin

I had crash detection OFF in those videos and the ac did NOT bounce on land or water. Why? Cause I didn't 'crash' (read on).

Having crash detection ON or OFF makes NO difference. It is only when you exceed the 'Impact Damage Threshold' you will CRASH and the AC will be POSITIONED (transported) to 500 ft (elevation). That is 'starndard' behaviour. That is not a 'bouce', that is the result, and indication, of a CRASH due to exceeding 'Impact Damage Threshold' and not due to stress or running into some other object. You can 'fix' this by placement of cnt pts (in relation to other types) and by edit of values for compression (with some limitations due to MODEL). You can't 'fix' a crash when crash detection in REALISM menu is set to 'ON'. Two different things.
Chuck B