About FM



Hello! I am new here, and not very experienced with this sim yet.
But I must say that I love flightmodels in this sim. Fokker eIII and DH2 are quite difficult to fly. I usually die banking too hard and too low. But Im still learning.
Only thing I miss is torque and gyroscopic effects. I fear that CFS3 engine cannot model those two things. I hope that Im wrong with that.
I've never flown a simulator that could simulate Camel FM realistically.
What is the situation in this sim? Impossible?:confused:
Thanks Kremmen

Torque and gyro are there, you should feel various craft pulling or slidinng etc in various directions.

Our camel is pretty good we think,

Try roll roughly 160-180 degrees right, pull back turning right nose goes down, so you need some (carefully balanced) left rudder to keep nose up and you turn hugely quicklyif you practive ... try it to the left nose goes up, again left rudder helps turn is slower.