Absolutely Amazing..........104fps and GORGEOUS!!


Charter Member
:applause::monkies: :rapture:

To all whose time, hard work, and dedication created this SIM, the expansion groups, the missions we fly, the birds we sortie out in, and all the supporting files and apps.........You guys are absolutely amazing!!!! I finally dropped the hammer on my GeForce 9800 GTX. I heard that it overclocked like a wild beast, but I had NO IDEA..... stock clocks on it are 675Mhz/1688Mhz/1100Mhz (core/shader/memory), I have been running it 810/1910/1140 and thought I was seeing great visuals at good frame rates of 40 to 50 fps (all sliders on 5, and aa on 16x multisample).....I found the top of my card yesterday.....running stable at 855Mhz/2050Mhz/1260Mhz......temps under load only 35 degrees C (water cooled)......now I have seen the SIM the way the creators pictured it....and my frame rates are averaging 75 to 85 fps, even on the runway or in a large formation......I've hit 104fps dogfighting at Angeles 25.....WOOHOO!!! YEAH BABY!!!! All I can say is its all so beautiful....ecspecially the ETO.....you guys did so much with it....WOW!! I included a bunch of screenies below....they really don't do any justice to seeing it actually come alive and move in 3 dimensions.....but I hope you enjoy them anyways....I can't wait to see what this looks like with 3-way SLI .......

Break Free the Surly Bonds of Earth,
Reach out My Hand,
and Touch the Face of God......... author unknown

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Hi Rouge,

just as a reminder to all experimenting with max FPS numbers. It seems that CFS3's integrated FPS meter "eats" a lot of actual frames, at least according to Fraps. I regulary have around 140 to 145 FPS measured with Fraps, and CFS3 says around 120. The difference is always some 20 to 25 FPS that you loose.


Whatever amount of frames are "eaten"....before this overclock, I averaged 35 to 55 fps, low end to high end. So averaging in the 70s an 80s now, even on the tarmac or in large formations or heavy action....is double my previous performance level.....and cracking 100 was something I didn't expect to even get near without GTX 280s in SLI......I don't compare my overclocks or 3Dmark scores like the gaming community does....I tune and tweak to achieve performance of a level satisfactory to me....and any day that I can say I doubled my previous best is a good day in my book. Also...I should note that I can easily increase FPS by reducing the resolution I run the graphics at, reducing the AntiAliasing/Aniso Filtering/etc. settings in Nhancer, or easing up on the CFS3 config. settings.....but I don't want to give up one stinking pixel of round corners, and realistic shading....so everything is set to high, always....and tune my overclock to the heaviest demand I will be making on the hardware....SO, once again.....any day I can say I doubled my previous best is a good day in my book.

As for the Wikipedia comment......all I have to say is that it has taken me 4 months to feel my way into the clock settings I am running at now....it took some amount of effort and juggling to by the XFX 9800 GTX 512Mb GPU I have now, there was no way I was going to slam into it with a 75Mhz or 100Mhz increase to start with....but I sure am glad I pressed it as far as it is....made a world of difference.
The Wikipedia reference was not a comment. I just thought you would be interested since you quoted the poem and his history is relevant to CFS3.
But here's a comment:
I wish I had your expertise so that I could amp out my computer like you did!
Thank you for the reference to those lines I used...I remember reading them on something when I toured the USAF Academy in CO Springs, CO....back in 1984.......those words have stayed with me since then....and it felt like a proper place to use them.....

I do have some hardware tweaking skills...but I am a newbie still at my favorite performance gaphics and overclocking sites/forums....

#1..... www.guru3d.com Here you will find all things 3D....ATI and nVidia drivers, beta drivers, modded drivers, tweak and OC utilities, benchmarking apps, hardware monitoring apps, mainboard drivers, all things 3D....free...and no slow downloads without membership like other places.... ( for nVidia cards I reccomend RivaTuner for OC'ing, and nHancer for 3d settings adjustment) Here also you will find some of the best guides, reviews, and forums available on the net....really good stuff here. Should be in your favoites right below SIM-OUTHOUSE.COM....

#2..... www.ocforums.com as the name implies...it is all forums on overclocking your hardware....all the hardware...and many great guides and how tos....

#3..... your motherboard, graphics card, and memory manufacturer's websites....more often than not you will find item specific details, instructions, and guides to help you tune your hardware to top performance....

My hardware is not really that impressive compared to the gaming rigs dominating the market for the past 6 months. I am a self-emplyed carpenter...so all my parts were on super-sale or I traded up to them over time...the important thing is to understand that there is a measurable difference in performance between stock and fine tuned (tweaked or overclocked) Stock settings have to work for every part sold with those settings ....thousands of mobos, gpus, or ram modules.....each individual part has its own unique best or highest settings....and you have to put in the time to find them without melting a $200 or $300 or $400 part....but it is so worth it when you finall hit it....and compare to what it was like right out of the box....

MOST IMPORTANT THING TO REMEBER!!!!! Keep it cool....turn up the fan speed, buy aftermarket cooling products, WATER COOL.....its light years beyond forced air over aluminum or copper....I know it costs a pretty penny, but if you save and plan a little, and watch for the deal at your favorite retailer, or ebay, or craigslist.....it is a realistic and achievable goal....

PS.....I do build custom rigs to order, or to my specs within a price range....I use paypal for billing and shipping, and only charge what it actually costs to ship.... PM me if you want to talk to me about having a custom rig built and fine tuned, then shipped to you ready to install CFS3 and fly....

I think there is a noticeable difference every increase of 20 fps or so, below 40 fps and it seems like slow motion at times, or is bouncy or choppy....above 40 fps the differences I notice are the distant scenery features refreshing faster, or rendered in more clear detail....above 70 fps I noticed the view in the Spitfire's rear view mirror actually moved with my flying in real time, and looked alot better too....or that the reflection of the instrument panel and cockpit interior on the underside of the canopy looked much more realistic....and then there is the clouds.....90+ fps and the clouds really start to take on life-like definition....the 3d shading and lighting effects become much more defined and closer to reality the faster the frames are drawn....the higher the fps, the smaller the details that are noticable become.
PS.....I do build custom rigs to order, or to my specs within a price range....I use paypal for billing and shipping, and only charge what it actually costs to ship.... PM me if you want to talk to me about having a custom rig built and fine tuned, then shipped to you ready to install CFS3 and fly....

I just may do that sometime before summer. I'm filing this away and will let you know.
I'll be more than happy to assist when the time comes....This is the only gaming application my computer runs..it was built with the cingular purpose of flying CFS3 expansions as realistically as I could make it. And, it has certainly met and surpased my expectations. If this little economic bump ever smoothes out, I hope to upgrade into the GTX 2xx series...of course they will be old news by then I am sure......So, for now, I do what I can with what I have.........and do a decent job of it. If anyone has hardware, tweaking/tuning/overclocking, performance issues they want help with....feel free to PM me, or start a thread asking about it...I don't mind at all sharing what little I have learned....I can't give you the maximum core/shader/memory clocks for your GPU....but I can help you find them.