

Flight Sim Junkie
Anyone know where one could find re-paints for Milton's AC500W (Wood Panel)?

Lou, I think I have been able to use any of the AC500 (excluding the 500S ie Shrike model which is different) repaints at Avsim etc on Milton & Co's "Woody" model. This is right now the one I seem to jump in and fly the most, except, um, er, the AC680 and 520 . . You may need to overwrite your original AC500w textures with only the new ones for the painted exterior to enable the different/new textures eg interior stuff specifically for the AC500w to appear, if that makes sense.

For example,
FS-ACOF - FS2004 General Aviation
FS2004 Commander 500-A "For Sale"
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ][/SIZE]Name: Size: 21,129,003 Date: 12-06-2007 Downloads: 1013
FS2004 Commander 500-A "For Sale". This aircraft is a reproduction of an existing real one available for sale. Three variation included: passenger, cargo and for skydive launch. VC and sound included. Original from Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas, Andre Folkers (AC500CA1.ZIP and AC500WB.ZIP). By Dario Ruga.[/SIZE]