Account details at LM missing


SOH Staff .."Bartender"
I just went to purchase P3D V3 and had to re-register. I tried to login but got a message that my details could not be found. I then went and registered again using the same Username and email address that I had originally used fully expecting to be told that the Username/email were already being used. But that wasn't the case so I had to go through the registration process again before I was able to successfully purchase P3D V3.

Has anyone else had the same problem?

never had a problem so far with the account. I once had another issue and contacted LM, and the case was solved in half an hour (!!!). I might have been lucky, but they seem to react very fast on licensing or account issues. I'd contact them.

I believe I had a similar issue last month or so, but when I tried to re-register, then it told me my email address was already in use. So I used the various "forgot my password" links and I could reset my password without problems.
But after this, I got confused again somehow, because of some mismatch between the consumer page and the download page, or something like that.... I'm sorry, I don't remember precisely now, and might tell something wrong...
I reviewed my account page a couple of days ago without problems. I'll go back and check in case they had problems with the site.
I double-checked my emails.
I got a bit confused, but basically my customer login was still ok.
It's my forum account that got deactivated, I don't know why. Probably because I was not posting enough, or something like that. Sorry for the confusion.