Accu feel and P3Dv2.4



is it work still?

Accu Feel worked for me in P3D till the P3D2.2 (I think), now it isnt and dont know why.

Any ideas? Is it work with P3D v2.4 for You too?

Id like to use it for Cessna 150-K TiBush :mixed-smiley-010: .

I don't know for the version 2.4, but I use AccuFeel (version 2) successfully with P3D v2.3.
Perhaps, the installation of a P3D patch had removed the AccuFeel dll entries from your DLL.xml or EXE.xml ? (in the folder where P3D.cfg is)
I hadn't tried reinstalling Accu-Feel since I moved from FSX to P3D over a year ago, but I recently installed it in V2.4 and it seems to function as it always had.
It's working here! If I recall right I added the dll.xml entry manually, you might want to check if it is called correctly there.

Here's the XML code that must be inserted into the dll.xml :

<Name>A2A Feel</Name>
Ok, it works again! TY!

It looks form me than one patch for P3D (perhaps) removed different dll from module folder.

thx again :).