Achmer airfield for FS9

ian elliot

Another one on the list :biggrin-new:
Luftwaffe airfield, home to FW-190, ME-262 and Arado Blitz units during the later years of the war, including a unit led by Walter Notowny, who was shot down and killed flying a 262 on the 8th November 1944

Not 100% happy with this one, gave up with the railway siding, all alternative texture's looked rubbish, and i could'nt change the Land class like i could in FSX, but still fun to fly from/to

The only objects you'll need is---, JD's conversion of Wolfi's CFS2 objects. you probably have these already :)

Bf-109 object by Fulbert ( from Akemi Mizoguchi original) This can be removed by removing the

109_OBJ.bgl if you wish

Have fun, ian elliot
Thank you Ian,
thank you a lot
ah it is realy pleasant to find a new german airfield for fs9.
Fine that you are a scenery designer who do not forget us "old" FS2004 users.
Really nice Ian, a pleasure to fly to and from....and a little sight seeing whilst there.

Many thanks.

Thanks Ian !!

I just took a copy of the static Bf.109 and saw that it's listed as an FSX scenery object. Will it work in FS9?
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Hi Mick, the object is included in the scenery so you dont need to download it seperatly. The object was compiled by Fulbert for FSX and he's uploaded a number of static AC models for use in FSX scenery, i just ran it through MDLconX and reverted it back to FS9 mdl, It was originally a CFS2 model so i felt it was OK to reclaim it for the older sim :biggrin-new:. Hope this helps
Thanks Ian,

After I posted it dawned on me to just go to Achmer and see if there were some 109s there. And of course there were.
Achmer airfield for FS9 Navaids

Hallo friends,

on my docs I found that Achmer had Lorenz radio landing devices,
so to ease flying from and to Achmer I added these navaids.
just copy the file into the Achmer scenery folder
Munich area problem

Hallo Ian,
thank you to ask for my Munich problem,
sadly nothing to solve the problem
Greater Munich area seems to be corrupted
When I try to start from an airport in the munich area (Oberschleissheim for example)
crash - when I start from an airport quiet far from this area and I aproach Munich area - crash
I think I must live with that.
So my hope is you will make us some other nice german airfields out of this damned area
Im afraid i dont know how to solve your problem. Do you have Cal-classic scenery installed, there is a 1960's version of MR that might be conflicting, just a thought. But i do have some other airfields in the pipeline for you to enjoy soon :encouragement:
Munich area

Hallo Ian,
Yes I had this scenery,
1. the problem was there before installing your scenery of Munich Riem.
2. I searched all scenery inputs concerning Munich in the scenery. cfg and deleted them
3. perhaps there is a texture that make trouble but how to find this one ?
4. the bad thing is that I do not remember when the problem occured the first time, it is too long away.
So I live with the fact that Munich is a "forbidden area"
Interesting, i would bet good money on an element from your CalClass install still lurking in your FS9 install and causing problems.
Have a look in Scenery/World/scenery and look for these bgl's


If you find them, remove them from your install and try again :wavey:
Munich forbidden area

Hallo Ian,
thank you a lot to spend time with my munich problem.
I had a look in my scenery folder - the two mentionned files are not there.
to be sure that both files are not somewhere else I searched them on my pc
with the windows search engine - nothing.
now I will try to deactivate all my callclassic sceneries
This has not really to do with this Achmer or the Munich, but a while back I realised that Windows10 (and perhaps also older versions) doesn't show everything when you do a search.
Especially in hidden system directories, Windows search doesn't work properly.

I use a small tool called "Everything" which also searches these hidden areas. In the past had many unclear problems which were caused by a hidden directory called "virtual store" where Windows creates a sort of back-up. It seems to be caused by a Windows routine which prevents read and write file in the same directory as executable files. This routine was introduced under Windows7, however for me it only started to cause problems under Windows10.

Therefore I advise you (Papi) to download this tool and check whether these .bgl files are not hidden somewhere else in a dark corner of Windows.
