Across The Pacific In The Boeing Stratoliner

casey jones

Charter Member
I always wanted to do it, I got as far as Johnson Island after days before
taking off from Hanoi. Flying Mr JBK's Stratoliner was very good, it is
very stable and comfortable to fly, but it is a handful in handleing the
thottles, mixture, propeller controls and most of all calculating the
fuel burn, I landed at Nada Ap at night with empty tanks...but fun.


For Me The most difficult airport

La Toma Ecaudor is the most difficult airport to takeoff and most of
all land, depending on your airplane the takeoff at night if you are
flying a light plane or a DC3 is a experience in consentration, the
field is surrounded by hills mountain terrain, the La Toma ap has
no runway lighting at night except the approach lights, I am using
a very good scenery I think with a lot of detail but no runway lights.

