Active Camera Activation


Staff member
Since I began reinstalling FS9 and attempting to reinstall (and in some cases just try to find) all my original addons, one of those has shown to be a bit of a problem. Active Camera. . . . .it seems that every time you reinstall AC it generates a new registration code which you then have to send to "Anticyclone" and in turn they will send you a new activation key.

Is Anticyclone even in business anymore? lol
I read through their documents and supposedly, if they were to go out of business two other "well known" FS Companies were to have their activation software and would continue to service users. Has anyone had any recent experience with this and have you actually gotten a new activation key?
Since I got Track IR I haven't tried reinstalling any of the older add on cameras. Active Camera was nice, but I haven't been able to get a new key, either. I was told that it would work if we had the extra FS9 installs from Bill Lyons, but never could get it to work in more than one at a time, either.
Since I got Track IR I haven't tried reinstalling any of the older add on cameras. Active Camera was nice, but I haven't been able to get a new key, either. I was told that it would work if we had the extra FS9 installs from Bill Lyons, but never could get it to work in more than one at a time, either.
Thanks Don,
I was afraid that would be the case. To be honest, the only reason I initially installed it again was for the "Approach view" option, but there are a few freeware programs available that do basically the same thing, so I may dump AC for good and try one of the other programs. I have TrackIR as well.

Thanks for the reply. . .Merry Christmas Don!:salute:
About August 2010 I had to contact them and they helped me get back going.

e-mail them here and explain to them what you are needing.

If clicking on the link doesn't get you in contact with them, you may have to copy the link and place it in the address section of an e-mail you send to contact them. I had to do that. Not sure why.

Support - Active Camera 2004
File this in the "Well, what do you know" folder. . .
After taking it upon myself to assume that no answer would ever be forthcoming from Anticyclone or anyone else concerning the activation key for Active Camera, I got just that. . .an e-mail from Serge with the key code, lol. Now that I have uninstalled the program, I have no intention of reinstalling it because that would require yet another e-mail for support to get yet another Activation Key (the one thing about the program that just seems unnecessary). Why not just have a standard ID number and a one-time key code that would work no matter how many times you had to reinstall it. Every other addon in the history of FS does this. . .why does this program need to be different? lol

Anyway, if you are in need of an Activation Key. . .I can now assure you that Serge is out there waiting for your e-mail.
Every other addon in the history of FS does this. . .why does this program need to be different? lol

Airwrench does this, at least it has when I've installed it on 2 new comps since purchase. Doesn't bother me,no problems so far, Sparks always replied to requests promptly and AW is a proggy I just don't want to be without.


PS. Never had AC,so don't miss it, use a combination of TIR4, F1view and autower. Does me fine, but I haven't known otherwise.