Active Camera gone under?


Charter Member
I bought AC during my previous computer. Moved all the AC files over to my new computer, but the AC in FS9 (new install, will not generate a new registration number that is needed to send into the AC company website so they can send me a new code key to type into the activation program.

Can find the Active Camera web site but there appears no way to contact them for help on the issue.

FS9 sucks without the flyby mode and walk thru ability AC offered. I say shame on Microsoft for not making these functions an integral part of the FS9 game. That said, the Active Camera was nice while it lasted. Microst should make those capabilities a free patch download to the purchasers of FS9. Additionally, the purchasers of Active Camera should not have to be tied to re-registration to use the program they purchased from the makers of Active Camera. :a1451:

I am sorry for you. Perhaps you can look at F1 View and other freeware for FS9 that allows you to move around the inside of a VC? You will find them from simviation or
Thanks Sid, I have downloaded the F1 files but haven't installed it yet in hoping to get back up with the AC features. Which brings me now I see to Dangerousdave's post.

Thanks for that link DangerousDave!!! That website for AC I went to earlier didn't have a contact address at all on it. You da man Dave!!!

Still, mocrosoft should have made these functions a standard part of the game. I thought I had read where it is standard feature in FSX's platform. It's like cutting an bloody arm off after having these functions and then suddenly not to have them anymore. But then, I can't imagine how tough it would be to purchase and use IR Tracker and then suddenly have to do without it.

Still though, it looks like the AC features should have come with the standard FS9 platform. I feel so bad thinking about the people that don't have the AC features and never get to see those in flight flybys, or set their tower view anywhere in FS9's 3-demensional space, or walk around inside or outside of their aircraft.

Thanks to both of you. Much appreciated. :salute::salute: Going to try to make contact with them now.
"Could not perform this operation because the default mail client is not properly installed."


Can't contact them. Is that because my computer's mail isn't set up properly or theirs?

Edit: Ok the link didn't work right but I copied and then pasted that e-mail contact address into an e-mail, along with a description of my problems, and it says the e-mail was sent. Hope to be hearing back from them soon.

Thanks ya'll
When you click on a email address like your PC knows you want to send an email. So it loads your default email program with the intent of putting the email address in the address field.

Well if your like me and don't have a default email program it falls on its face with the message you just reported.

In that event you just need to type the email address in what ever method you use for email manually.

I really hope they respond that's one of the programs I have been wanting to buy.
It's really a very nice feature Dangerousedave. It doesn't cost much, 15 I think. I'm pretty tight, and wasn't upset at all about about the money, but mainly not being able to get it back up in my new FS9 install on my new computer.

To have it and then go back to FS9's default is extremely irritating. Microsoft should have bought that program out from Anticyclone so it could be standard feature for all FS9 purchasers. I'd would have paid microsoft a little extra if they had made it standard feature of it's platform.

Who wants to view their cross country flight in tower view from 60 miles back at the departure airport? Well, they can always go to spot view, but flybys are so cool to monitor your cross country flights.

Well any rate I got an e-mail sent off to them....I think. Thanks for your part in helping me execute an e-mail to them. Hopefully I get a response from them soon. Thank for the link.
I have the AC 9.1 program, but did not install it due to problems like this the last time I installed it. If you write support, you can get a new number.

However, the only thing that AC did that I could not do with F1View or the Fly-By module was walk by and latency in the VC view.

I see that the Fly-By module is not listed, get this and you will have some great fly-bys. read the configuration notes and configure the Fly-By program to your liking.

Fly-By module can be found here:

Thanks Cazzie! I will download and put that in safe keeping. I will put it to good use if Anticyclone doesn't come through to help me get AC back up.

You all are very nice people. Thanks for the help.