Hey Rich.
I'm not completely sure but I believe each time you move the program to a new location the program has to be reset, meaning that a new registration number has to be generated that has to be e-mailed in to Anticyclone with which if you are a paid up customer they will send you a new code number to be copied from the e-mail they send you and then pasted into the lower box in the registration section.
They have their security pretty well done to prevent piracy so it seems, which I can't fault them for it for that. It would seem though that if you have purchased the program, you could move it around and use it as you like on your own computer, but apparently this isn't possible.
As you know the program is indeed a nice thing to have in FS9, but it would have been really nice if Anticyclone could have struck a deal with Microsoft to buy the program from them where it would have been included with the FS9 game as a standard feature of the game.
Of coarse the program is only $15 bucks I think is what I paid and well worth it.
Contact Anticyclone and see if they can help you out on making it work in multiple platforms of FS9 on your computer. They helped me get me get back up and running after my old computer went bad.
PS: (Found this out when my new computer was by default set to high administrative security level)
I do now know that if you have go to generate a new registration number and it won't generate a number, then you have your computer's security settings set to high. Has to be set to full low before the program will generate a new registration number that you can copy and e-mail to Anticyclone so that they can send a new user code number.
Hope this helps you.