active sky advanced


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hi all,.....i have mine set to KAUN.....but how do you change it?....i like it to open to my main field (homebase)..but sometimes i wanna start someplace else...i cant figure out how to make it change and check the weather and START from there....and yes i know you start FS9 from the upper right..but the active sky program just continues to read the weather for kaun (auburn california) even if i try to get it to check someplace in New york state>

On the Report Screen make sure that you have the "Lock to closest" box ticked. Then, as soon as you've selected your starting airport ASA will relocate to the nearest METAR reporting station. For KAUN this is probably at the airport but at smaller strips it may be the next nearest large airport.


If you want to check another location un-check the box and type the ICAO ID.
