Active Sky Evolution Problems


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I've just purchased Active Sky Evolution (ASE) but for all I have tried, I cannot get it to load the weather into Fs2004.

The opening screen seems all ok, all connected to servers etc etc.

One thing I have noticed, on the MAP on ASE I cannot use the Lock to FS position, it doesn't work.

I've uninstalled and reinstalled, still nothing.

Any help would be appreciated.

Just a thought Jason.. ASE requires FSUIPC 3.75 or later to run. Does your FSUIPC meet this requirement?

Hmm.. worth a punt.

Never had ASE but I do have ASA installed for FS9 and ASN for FSX on this rig. Assuming that ASE is similar to ASA.. is it starting in FS9 mode? If you only have FS9 installed.. this shouldn't be a problem but if you have both, it may be looking for FSX. ASA has a couple of boxes on the main page where the mode can be selected.

Clutching at straws I'm afraid.

Oh.. I'm running ASE on Win7 Ultimate.. not that this should make a difference.
If you go into FS is rain or snow showing up when it should be raining or snowing?
If you are running widows Vista, 7, 8 or 10 you most likely have a permission problem.

Look at the install directory for active sky. If it resides in the default programs file (x86) folder you need to manually give your logged on user full control of that folder.

If you don't active sky will not be able to talk to FS.

Simply give that user full control over the folder active sky resides in and the problem will be solved.
Thanks for all the information guys...I finally have it running perfect was a permission from Norton Antivirus that was blocking ASE.

Thanks again all :adoration: