Active Weather for FSX


Staff member
Since I've been out of the FS thing for a while, what's a good active weather add on these days for FSX? The default died years ago and I was running FSXrealWx, but haven't tried it again as it's getting pretty old and I'm hoping there's been something better come along in the past few years.

I've mostly been reworking some of my old favorite aircraft into the sim so far, but I'm getting ready to start into other areas of it now.

I used active sky in FSX:SE and bought it again for P3D when I moved to that sim a few weeks ago.
I actually prefer REX Skyforce, even if its weather engine is not quite as accurate as Active Sky, it still produces some very interesting weather, plus Active Sky and Active Sky Cloud Art cannot beat how fantastic REX clouds look, especially when using the Skyforce weather engine. REX developers are masters at creating the most realistic cloud models and textures. I still use REX Skyforce even in P3Dv5, the clouds look better and more realistic than even P3Dv5's volumetric clouds.