Charter Member
There were some questions.
Here my advice:
If you want to see the vehicles on the street only shooting with the AA weapons during aircraft attack you have to go to the vehicles folder and make a copy of the vehicles file and rename
(With or without a x at the end )
Then go to the xdp and there to the Gunstation. In the line of the maingun change Uplimit, Downlimit, Leftlimit, Rightlimit and MaxAmmo to "0" !
<GunStation UpLimit="0" DownLimit="0" LeftLimit="0" RightLimit="0" RateLimit="18.94" SystemID="engine_one" Tracer="100" Trainable="1" Trigger="0" Type="75mmai_gun" Name="75mm KwK42 L70" ConvergeDistance="0" Pitch="0" MaxAmmo="0" MuzzleFlash="fx_gunblast_Air_50_75mm" />
Never delete the line complete !
This version need a "y" at the end of the first line in xdp.
The version which should shoot with maingun need a "n". This version you install in facilities and missions etc.
Good luck
Here my advice:
If you want to see the vehicles on the street only shooting with the AA weapons during aircraft attack you have to go to the vehicles folder and make a copy of the vehicles file and rename
(With or without a x at the end )
Then go to the xdp and there to the Gunstation. In the line of the maingun change Uplimit, Downlimit, Leftlimit, Rightlimit and MaxAmmo to "0" !
<GunStation UpLimit="0" DownLimit="0" LeftLimit="0" RightLimit="0" RateLimit="18.94" SystemID="engine_one" Tracer="100" Trainable="1" Trigger="0" Type="75mmai_gun" Name="75mm KwK42 L70" ConvergeDistance="0" Pitch="0" MaxAmmo="0" MuzzleFlash="fx_gunblast_Air_50_75mm" />
Never delete the line complete !
This version need a "y" at the end of the first line in xdp.
The version which should shoot with maingun need a "n". This version you install in facilities and missions etc.
Good luck