Add-0n Campaigns


Are there any add-on campaigns for CFS1? I thought I saw a reference to an Italian and a North African campaign once, but can't find them now. If there are I'm sure I'll have lots of questions

Are there any add-on campaigns for CFS1? I thought I saw a reference to an Italian and a North African campaign once, but can't find them now. If there are I'm sure I'll have lots of questions


I don't see any listed in the Warbirds Library under CFS1. See if this meets your needs:

greetings mcbob,
give this a try.
(you will need to register first)

select; Search only file section: Combat Flight Simulator: CFS Missions
and click the Start Search button

there will be 250 CFS missions and campaigns
that should keep you busy for a while.

while you're at it, just for fun,
open your Combat Flight Simulator\missions folder.
all stock missions are in there,
plus two hidden extras...named Special.mi_ and Team.mi_
rename them to Special.mis and Team.mis and save.
fire up cfs, go to single missions and look for
Camel Caravan and Combat Flight sim Team Outing
greetings mcbob,
give this a try.
(you will need to register first)

select; Search only file section: Combat Flight Simulator: CFS Missions
and click the Start Search button

there will be 250 CFS missions and campaigns
that should keep you busy for a while.

while you're at it, just for fun,
open your Combat Flight Simulator\missions folder.
all stock missions are in there,
plus two hidden extras...named Special.mi_ and Team.mi_
rename them to Special.mis and Team.mis and save.
fire up cfs, go to single missions and look for
Camel Caravan and Combat Flight sim Team Outing

Do they all work with any version of CFS? If that's true, can I use missions and Campaigns from CFS3, which I also have, in CFS1?
I believe it is highly unlikely that a mission will work across different versions.
They all tend to be dependent on particular aircraft and scenery which isn't really portable across versions of CFS.

- Ivan.
Scenery title?

I did go to the flight sim sight and down load a North Africa campaign.
After a while I got it all loaded up and working, I think.
While activating the scenery files, the instructions did not say what to put in the title block. I called the unzipped files in the North Africa folder "North Africa" and the Africa files, specified from my FS98, "Africa". I've never added scenery or anything else so didn't know if the title name matters or if it's just for reference.

Thanks for all the help.

the addon scenery tiles are just for reference.
generally, i like to use the name of their folder,
just to keep them organized for future reference.

this is especially handy if you have
multiple sceneries for the same location.
but that's a whole other can of worms.