Add on Scenery Question


Charter Member
Is there a way in FS9 to change the textures of add on Scenery to improve FPS?

If so what is the procedure?

Hmm maybe there is but before you make any changes with any files don't forget to backup the stock textures!
There is a tool provided in FS2004 terrain SDK called imagetool.exe or another nice program DXTBMP both small programs can resize/convert the images used by fs2004, imagetool is easy to use you open the file and then click save as from the file menu and you can save as dxt1,dxt3 formats.
Remember to backup your textures before you proceed any changes :mixedsmi:
Save the following text into a batch file (*.bat), then put that and the Imagetool app into your texture folder. Double-lcick the batch and Imagetool will convert all the bitmaps into DXT3 with MIP's (for better performance at distances).

imagetool -batch -mip -dxt3 -e bmp  *.bmp