Add-ons What are they all about



OK dont mean to sound silly but I understand that an add-on gives you someting the original package doesnt.....simply really eh????

Not in my case....I have been reading these threads nwo trying to find something out about what they will enhance and such but obviously there is limited resource on here due to the server crash recently.

I have had a brief look at the MAW add-on but you all seem to ETO mad on here......:d

SO my question is two fold really

What do these add-on offer me in real gameplay enhancements


Which ones are the best/to be avoided/considered cheating?

Hoping you can help???:wavey:
Welcome to the forum Gizmokev! :wavey:

Add-ons are game materials that are created by developers and hobbyists in the fourm community who take advantage of the open-source design of a game or simulation. Here is a list of the major add-ons created for CFS3:

1. Over Flanders Fields, WWI (OFF)
2. Mediterranean Air War, WWII (MAW)
3. Pacific Theatre of Operations (PTO)
4. European Thatre of Operations (ETO)
5. Dogpatch Crew Korea, Korean Conflict (DPC Korea)

Tremendous ground was broken by the original group of developers who created OFF. Look at that list! 5 nearly completely new games were created out of the the original sim engine. I love this stuff!

In a nut shell, they are expansion's of the original with better graphics and aircraft development (avhistory) just to name a few.

You'll love it.

Of course you'll need trackir and pedals after that...:costumes:
HEllo andwelcome ol chap!!!

well the add ons available here and at AVH, BEaus, and regs makes this sim a tru-er experince

PM me

Hi Gismokev,
Hey,-- you've certainly been busy since I last answered your hello.----

Keep it all simple to start with ( No I didn't put stupid on end-:d-lol )
and remember KISS. ( Keep it simple -stupid )

Just stick with CFS3 std. for now, get into it and look to get on-line soon as you can. Do you have Vista or XP ? Sorry, I forgot to mention on-line play only works in XP, some Vista folks have got around that by making their Computers Dual :-XP/Vista. ( Can't help you there either, but someone will know. )

ps:- ETO is like CFS3, only much better, I like the Beaufighter and Hurricanes, haven't had chance to get to grips with the rest yet, my thnx and congrats to Ground-Hogs folk who have give us this and other wonderful free games, --salt of the earth guys.

When you get into Micro-Soft web-site, patch 3.1 first. then play game. ( just get to where pilot is standing around a P-47 ) then patch 3.1.a next and carry out same. If you need MS Direct -X 9, too, you can get that on same site, but install that first. Don't bother with other down loads yet, they'll confuse the situation even more. That then should make you ready for on-line play. ( assuming you are in windows XP ) If you are in Vista, you can only play Games on your computer except-OFF-but leave that for a while )

I have noticed where you live ( Ahem !- Llanfair PG--yes/No-- ) so PM me and anything else can help you with I will. The Add ons are excellent and I've got them all, and hoping to get a friend to burn me some ETO DVD's tomorrow, to offer up to guys in UK, so I'll do one for you.

But for now, concentrate on above, hope this helps. We've all been bewildered, so join the clan. :d:jump::ernae::wavey:
Bill T.
To me, some add-ons do this..they take something like cfs3 and change it from what to me is an arcadish looking "game" to a "sim" that not only appears far more realistic and performs realistically, but essentially suspends my disbelief. Instead of just playing a game, with the right add-ons I'm "in" the sim and I tend for the most part to call it a simulator rather than a game because that's what it does. It simulates the real thing.

The planes in cfs3, right out of the box, are for the most part nowhere near the real thing in the way they perform. Add-on planes react and perform much closer to their real world counterparts. Plus the larger "period" and "theater of operation"add-ons put you inside slices of history.
With an installation of cfs3 and a collection of the add-ons now available
you can be in the Pacific Theater, WW2, or the Meditarrenean theater, ww2 or the Korean War or even with Over Flanders Fields, in ww1. So if you're a historic aviation buff there's something for everyone. This is what add-ons do.
Well that certainly explains all to get to grips with the machines in the out a gizmokev is about to line up whilst you are on short finals....please excuse the novice.....:costumes:
Just stick with CFS3 std. for now, get into it and look to get on-line soon as you can. Do you have Vista or XP ? Sorry, I forgot to mention on-line play only works in XP, Bill T.

Shows how long I've been away from CFS3. I thought online play died after MS pulled the plug on their servers. Where's everyone flying? :)
:kilroy:It did die, as far as the GameMatch server is concerned. Check the Post CFS3 Games Here Sticky above. All online play is now IP to IP.:d
gizmo one word of caution DO NOT go crazy and install alot of stuff all at once.I learned the hardway.Take your time and read the readme's to make sure that u get everything u need.For example some missions may require certain airplanes so u want to make sure u get everything u need.Some planes may need pylons to make them run correctly. I remember the first time i started downloading I WENT CRAZY *lol* i thought ohhh cool until i started up the game and i had like 30 error messages and thank God there was someone willing to help.I know for a fact if it wasnt for corpse grinder im sure i would have gotten frustrated to the point of not trying cfs3 ever again.And I would have missed MAW,ETO etc So remember if u do have any problems dont hesitate to ask theres always someone willing to help
i have 314 modded planes in my game and so does deer hunter and they are all compatible in multi-player. I have added in the pilot screams to all of the pkanes also. I added 50 more additional sounds to the scream file also. It is soo COOL. If anyone needs help with installing new a/c or any addons let me know. I will be glad to help. we need more people with mod games. I have a plane with 6 50 cal gattling guns!!! IT'S WICKED
it really adds excitement to the game when you can have planes with more guns stronger guns and awsome weapon loadouts. You should use the cfs3 multi game tool so you can have 1 clean unmodded copy of cfs3 even if it is on a differant drive. Modded planes WILL NOT work in multi-player games unless everyone has the same set of a/c. That is why it's good to have a clean copy or you will have to check off planes every time you want to host a game. you can join a game even if you have modded planes you just cant host.

Thanks for starting this thread. There have been several terrific thoughts expressed so far. Let me add another response to the milieu.

Why bother with these mods? I think it's a matter of refining one's passion for flight simming into an area of more specific interest. For me, it has generally been the 1940 Battle of France (which you get as part of the ETO mod).

Any combat flight sim will give you the usual collection of Spitfire, FW-190s, P-51s, and such, all circling over the usual tanks (Shermans and Tigers of course). With ETO (to which I contributed), I can soar about in my Morane-Saulnier 406 desperately trying to stay alive against the superior Bf-109Es while the tinny German Pzkw Is and IIs of 1940 get pounded by French B1 bis and Somua S35s.

I can fight for (or against) France in a very different battle and experience a completely different era of flight: the twilight of the light bomber. Back then, fighters did the fighting and bombers dropped the bombs. These were also the years when Douhetist bomber barons began the long painful process of learning that the bombers would not always get through - and it took several years (even decades) before that lesson was truly learned.

Mind you, my choice of era isn't everyone's cup of tea. That's why we have so many different mods out there. By all means, play stock CFS3 for a while. When you get the itch for a change, go for the one mod that's closest to your passion.

Note: We're all buzzing about ETO because it was just released. MAW is a bit older ... and OFF is older than that ... but both caused larger splashes when they first came out.
" I have had a brief look at the MAW add-on but you all seem to ETO mad on here......:d "

ETO mad? not me, I'm vehicle mad:costumes:
Ok I am now online and have been completely thrashed out of the sky by you lot......:costumes:

It certainly appears that I have a lot of learning to do regards fighting these machines rather than just fighting them.

As for mods....I am sticking with stock until I can at least hold my own in a battle before I start taking on more and more.....:d

What advice would you give a guy who knows how to fly but not how to fight....
What advice would you give a guy who knows how to fly but not how to fight....

Start another thread on the topic. I think it would attract more readers many may not be following this thread anymore. I myself would be interested in seeing the answers.

I can't dog fight my way out of a paper sack. :icon_lol:

Every quick mission to strike shipping or factories has left me eating flak to death. :d