Adding a drag chute


Charter Member
I thought I had previously seen on this forum discussion about adding drag chutes, I've checked but can't find such a thread. I've looked at various FS9 aircraft which have drag chutes but I can't work out if they use effects or a gauge, please can anyone advise me on how it is done?
Not being a modeler, I can't speak with authority, but I think the drag chutes are modeled in, then textured invisible by a gauge.
Not being a modeler, I can't speak with authority, but I think the drag chutes are modeled in, then textured invisible by a gauge.
It's kinda looking that way. . .I did some searching and found at least four instances where drag chutes had been added to different aircraft, but in each case the mdl file was included as part of the download along with a bmp of the chute itself.

It would appear that you would need the source code for the aircraft in question to do the animation, the bmp for the actual visual and then be able to adjust the parameters to allow the chute to effect aircraft speed once deployed.