Adding Additional Muzzle Flash to Aircraft


Charter Member 2011

Lewis brought this up in another thread but I thought it was significant enough to warrant it's own thread.

While trying to kill the muzzle blast on the light equipped B-25 (thanks Ted for creating more work) I found that you can in fact have different muzzle flash effect for different guns on the aircraft.

If you look at a vehicle XDP you will notice on some of them that they have a muzzle flash right after the max ammo. You can add this to an aircraft XDP the same way. Just add the muzzle flash you would like to see on that specific gun. It will overide the stock built in effect.

Also remember to delete the bdp file anytime you make a change to the xdp.



Please note that the fx_no_muzzle_flash is not in CFS 3. It is a new effect that I have added to the most recent effects file. If you type in the effect you will get no results unless you have the new effects file loaded.

What would be nice at this point is for someone to research and build new muzzle flash effect for the aircraft guns. We could then also add some different tracers for the cannon so you can see the golfballs going past your canopy when a cannon fires at you.:d

I think the Japanese Betty had a tail cannon. Would be pretty scary seeing that MB and large golfball tracers coming at you.

Here is a test of the Japanese Betty updated. Pretty scary getting caught in a crossfire of two or three of those 20mm tail guns.

Steve your a genius! Hey Dancat has already created a few different muzzle effects. I have one version of those and thats what I was trying to add to the aircraft cannons. Can you briefly explain how to alter the xpd and xml text to achieve 2 effects.
Steve your a genius! Hey Dancat has already created a few different muzzle effects. I have one version of those and thats what I was trying to add to the aircraft cannons. Can you briefly explain how to alter the xpd and xml text to achieve 2 effects.

Lewis, just add Dancat's effects to your effects XML then pick one of them and place it in the script of the gun you want to change in the aircraft XDP. Refer to the example screen shot I posted earlier in this thread. The way the guns are set up they use a default larger muzzleblast unless you see UseSmallFlash="1" in the script. What this does is make the gun flash smaller for the secondary smaller weapons on a bomber. Without this addition they default to the stock larger flash. See example of this in screenshot below. You can either leave this in the script line and zero it out or remove it. Then you simply place your effect at the end of the script following Max Ammo. If you have a good workable effect it should show up. If you are not seeing a difference it may be due to your new effect not working. To double check the new effect place it on a vehicle so you can observe it working.

Looking forward to some screen shots.


Hi O-1

I look for your fx file but I were not able to find it, did You u/l it here on SOH?

Thanks and sorry for the trouble.
Hi O-1

I look for your fx file but I were not able to find it, did You u/l it here on SOH?

Thanks and sorry for the trouble.


Mid has not been able to get the searchlight file loaded yet. PM me with your email and I wil send it to you.

can we change the tracer too?


Yes you can, By editing your effects file you can make your tracers any color you would like. Always be sure to save a copy of your original in case you mess up and make a mistake like I do all the time. :d

once yee have this flash of types worked out will there be a group update for such for eto and cfs3


This subject is under discussion right now and we will get back to you on it. If we do update the muzzle flashes we may also update some tracers and add a small explosive effect to the cannon shells when they strike another aircraft.


these do indeed look handsome....the read me "airplane text" shows 4 muzzle flash adds for plane xdp's......there are 5 different fx_ in your effects add...a 7, 20, 30, and 50 as listed but also a 13. Should MuzzleFlash="fx_13mm_muzzle"/> be added to the "airplane text" list of choices or do I mistake? These are such a nice touch.....thanks for the upload
GAW these effects were created by Jon Pratt (Dancat), I just uploaded them. There are only 4 FX lines that each correspond to a set of group effects. The "fx_50cal_muzzle" effect is tied to all the effects that are tagged with the "muzzle_13mm". This is the only fx text line that is named differently than the group its tied to. As Jon says in the readme, feel free to modify these and rename the effect if you like.