Lewis brought this up in another thread but I thought it was significant enough to warrant it's own thread.
While trying to kill the muzzle blast on the light equipped B-25 (thanks Ted for creating more work) I found that you can in fact have different muzzle flash effect for different guns on the aircraft.
If you look at a vehicle XDP you will notice on some of them that they have a muzzle flash right after the max ammo. You can add this to an aircraft XDP the same way. Just add the muzzle flash you would like to see on that specific gun. It will overide the stock built in effect.
Also remember to delete the bdp file anytime you make a change to the xdp.
Lewis brought this up in another thread but I thought it was significant enough to warrant it's own thread.
While trying to kill the muzzle blast on the light equipped B-25 (thanks Ted for creating more work) I found that you can in fact have different muzzle flash effect for different guns on the aircraft.
If you look at a vehicle XDP you will notice on some of them that they have a muzzle flash right after the max ammo. You can add this to an aircraft XDP the same way. Just add the muzzle flash you would like to see on that specific gun. It will overide the stock built in effect.
Also remember to delete the bdp file anytime you make a change to the xdp.